Example sentences of "[noun] and it [verb] [pron] [art] " in BNC.

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1 His appearance in the Toyota World Match Play at Wentworth in October was his 17th in succession and it gave him the chance of winning the title for a record sixth time .
2 He was well placed in the cotton industry and it gave him a generous income ; therefore it had to take precedence , but the monotony of arriving at the same place at the same time every day now bored him as much as had the mechanical frenzy of the bobbins when he arrived .
3 On tonight 's match , Cooper said : ‘ There 's a lot at stake and it gives us the opportunity to put things right . ’
4 Two more of the nave lights had been switched on but the church was still dim compared with the harsh glare of the arc lights trained on the scene and it took him a minute to locate Father Barnes , a dark shape at the end of the first row of chairs under the pulpit .
5 ‘ It was interesting to take on these different values and it gave us a new perspective . ’
6 ‘ It was an unbelievable move and it took me a few weeks to come back down to earth . ’
7 He 's declaring that he 's using a taxi and it costs him a hundred and sixty pound a month , every day back and forwards to work , well everyone knows that 's a lie cos she takes him to work
8 It was one of those rare occasions when a covert operation could be examined in the full glare of publicity and it showed what a foolhardy idea it was from the start for , even if Crabb had returned safely , it is unlikely he could have brought back enough information to have justified the risk in the first place .
9 Endill was thrown to the ground and it took him a few minutes to realise what had happened .
10 She could feel his heartbeat against her breast and it gave her a feeling of longing she had never experienced before .
11 The ten-point margin reflected the Police 's overall superiority and it gave them a deserved triumph in only their second appearance in the final .
12 United put profits before results last season and it cost them the Championship .
13 But in the Edwardian love story , Howards End , her co-star is Sir Anthony Hopkins and it gives her the chance to shrug off the Olivier/Leigh and Burton/Taylor labels she and Branagh have collected .
14 She was wearing the blue and green dress and it suited her every bit as well Claudia had thought it would .
15 I suppose we thought Vic must have said try it this way because Matt and I were already into our quarrel and it shows what a pro he was to his fingertips that he carried on as per normal .
16 Boss Lennie Lawrence said : ‘ We have two home games after Southampton and it gives us a great chance to cement a top six place . ’
17 Erm it 's an adventure and it gives you a sense of freedom .
18 The same goes for O one of a gram for example , toxin and it gives you a hundred thousand er as as I 've indicated here , there 's a , a wide range for the potency .
19 This this this is because the the Department of the Environment lost the paperwork for a year erm because apparently the Home Office are un incapable of reading documents unless they 're in order , and they take them in order and it takes them a year to read them .
20 I found some brandy and it steadied him a bit … and then he told me he 'd been to Angy 's flat and found her dead . ’
21 Well because I have n't had a doctor 's note and it makes it a bit difficult if I cash it .
22 got a lot of cards and it takes me a long time to do it
23 I can stand in front of the screen , I can look at the simulations , I can stop them whenever I want to stop them and look at them , it gives me ideas about how the buildings might have looked at that time and it gives me a whole range of variations as to as to what can be done in terms of their reconstructions .
24 That gave Webb an easy catch and it gave him the time to see that Bath would have a man over if he ran the ball to the left .
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