Example sentences of "[noun] and [subord] [pron] is [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 I have no record of having received a reply and since everything is beginning to move again with the local authorities applying to the Secretary of State for him to lay Orders under the Transport and Public Works Act to enable them to proceed with public consultation on their scheme , the matter is becoming critical once again .
2 In Gurtin in the Omagh area , where Riofinex has already caused huge disturbance to local people simply through its exploration activities and where it is proposing to stripmine for gold , there is strong opposition which stretches across the political spectrum from Sinn Fein to the Democratic Unionist Party .
3 Mrs Barzach will have a much more difficult time retaining her seat in the 15th arrondissement of Paris , which she has represented for only the past three years and where she is standing against the well-established local RPR mayor ( and deputy mayor of the capital ) .
4 Make sure you pay the right postage on your letter for the weight , the type of service and where it is going .
5 She now attends a drop-in centre which has a crèche and where she is learning to cope with stress .
6 Meanwhile , the Bank of England published a 45-page document outlining its view of the progress made on underlying inflation and where it is heading over the subsequent 24 months .
7 The facilities are here , they have an important role and when one is looking open-mindedly — and systematically at a teaching problem one can not possibly ignore them .
8 The black and white feeds in a narrow range of tree species and when none is fruiting it eats leaves .
9 ‘ A major question lies over laserdisc and whether it is going to take off .
10 Sometimes we may apply relatively simple yardsticks , such as whether the school has or has not received the newly recommended material and whether it is using it .
11 Stop running — it is probably excited by your running and if it is going to bite , running away wo n't help much .
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