Example sentences of "[noun] and [v-ing] i [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He was running on three legs and holding me in the fourth .
2 I was brought rudely back to the real world by Tony 's tripod coming off the top of the pile of clatch ( odds and ends ) piled up above the seat and hitting me on the head as the truck lurched to a halt , diving itself into a drift of deep snow .
3 As 12-ounce cans of vegetables bounce off the side of my car , one of them smashing my rearview mirror and another sailing with surprising accuracy through my open car window and striking me on the shoulder , I decide to call it quits for the night and return in daylight .
4 We sat after lunch on Monday in his room ; or rather he sat chubbily at his desk , living up to his nickname , spooning Hymettus honey out of a jar and telling me of the flesh and fleshpots he had bought himself in Athens ; and I lay on his bed , only half listening .
5 I thought he would , he deserves it and suddenly the semi-circle is clapping and looking at me : ‘ She 's won , she 's a-a-a won , ’ I hear John shout from half-way up the stalls , and my fellow contestants are slapping me on the back and pushing me to the front of the stage ,
6 At once she burst into tears and hugging me for the first time in years ( it seemed ) , cried , ‘ If only I had their faith ! ’
7 My faithful driver , Murphy , met me at the gate , taking my bags and walking me past the vagrants and money changers to his car , an old American model that had become something of a collector 's item .
8 He wrapped me in a warm coat and placing me in the car took me several miles over the moor .
9 I nodded and he turned back to mutter something into his talkback before handing me the mike , taking my hand and leading me to the stage .
10 Of course , for serious devilry the War Bag has to go by itself , and a camera would just be a liability , but I have n't had a real threat for a couple of years , since the time some big boys in the town took to bullying me in Porteneil and ambushing me on the path .
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