Example sentences of "[noun] and [det] that [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I am still 100 per cent behind Credit Management and all that it stands for .
2 One planning officer commented that ‘ probably no planning circular and all that it implies has ever been so popular with the public .
3 Among the former have been the national trends towards acceptance of credit accumulation and transfer and all that they imply ; among the latter have been the effect of a tightening national steer on undergraduate student numbers in particular subjects .
4 It was a concession and all that I needed .
5 Both these , of course , also have underneath the pattern of the blueprint detective story and all that we have seen about that sort of book applies to the backgrounder , though perhaps with less rigour .
6 and er we do all the cooking between us and my , my sons they have a disco and all that they get
7 Well Cajun stuff and all that I thought , and then there 's them you can do some long kebabs and all that , that 's why if we get one of them charcoal grills that you can pa shoo , shee shoo .
8 But it would be old lamps and Peedie bits of and when you speak about long ago times I associate the smell of paraffin and sawdust and cooking apples and all that you go into Peedie shops and there was a fine relationship , you go in and Well I used to be for the old folk and they were all awful good to me , and the particular and we used to go every Saturday night to a shop called Blacks and it stayed open till nine o'clock .
9 you could n't do it , but he had every opportunity the other , the twin did to get through you know and he passed his City and Guilds , but Peter 's got on alright , the other son who 's got the factory , he 's , he 's busy got an electrical panels and all that he does , you know , he 's quite good and my other son he works , he used to work at Burnt Mill , and he now has moved to erm er Stansted , he works at Stansted he works in the big food depot , that used to be years ago and he works there , he 's been there ever since he left school , since except two , two years he had in the army you know for the conscription , but he 's been there erm ever since he was fourteen and he 's now about oh , forty something now he is , I 'm not quite sure of their ages , I get muddled up I 've got , eight , eight sons altogether , so , I 've got quite a family dear .
10 The Lord Mayor who saved the king and all that he stood for was William Walworth .
11 Also , the insurers will not necessarily cover all your customers and those that they do cover may only be covered up to a certain amount .
12 All the ones that she 'd got , that got low like Hannah and all that she 's phoned up first .
13 in relation to the Conservative party 's current policy back to basics and all that I think is the appropriate expression to bear in mind .
14 At breakfast together Fisher exploded and attacked the Church Union and all that it stood for and said that they had done great harm and ought to apologize .
15 comes back and says when the teacher come , the teacher was there this time , urgh the showers are on , Geoffrey switched the showers on and then they all start chanting Geoffrey switched the showers on , Geoffrey switched the showers on and er , loads of them , not just him , a load of them did it , and he , he started to cry , and then that was it then were n't it , ooh tiny tears , tiny tears , ooh poofter , poofter , crying and all that I mean he had a right day with it , so he goes to school this morning in Geography and the every body in the class , the girls and every body were going tiny tears , tiny tears , and he said I just ignored it today he says I just took no notice he says , but they 're all going , how 's your tears Geoffrey , are we going to cry again today , he says and they were trying to get me to cry today he says , but I just took no notice and Stuart kept going like this Geoff and he says I just went so he , he did the same back and then he went Geoff and Geoffrey just went , I mean what you do ? ,
16 Death , take our hands and all that we built with them ;
17 Far more significant and revelatory was the arrival of the wireless , in the sense that it meant for the first time the voice of the outside world and all that it encompassed — good and bad — was heard throughout this enclosed community .
18 Wilson identified with his father , to the extent of wanting to have genital , genital contact with him , since Wilson saw his father as the author of all his skills , his strength and all that he 'd been grateful for .
19 She met him emerging from their tall block of apartments as she was returning from work on the Friday evening , having stopped to buy groceries on the way home , her mind flying ahead to Luke 's arrival and all that she planned to say to him now that she had made up her mind to end their affair .
20 The red buses and the mauve ones and all that I mean they
21 The herbicide Agent Orange and all that it represents , from carpet bombing of rainforests to bulldozing them down and removing their topsoil , managed to demolish a fifth of Vietnam 's tree cover and to replace it , in great stretches , with a moonscape of bomb craters .
22 Milner in 1907 was writing : ‘ there can be no adequate prosperity for the forty or fifty million people in these islands without the Empire and all that it provides ’ .
23 tongued and grooved or , or something pine for the kitchen wall , do it , pay it , forget it right , so , I mean I do n't know what wood I mean we 'd have , we 'd have to see it , but I said to him look I said something 's got ta be done , so I said to him shall we get Gary or somebody similar to do some Artexing in here and he said well with the coal fire and all that he said it 'll , it 'll get dirty
24 and went straight through the garden and all the the time and all that he 'd spent and he went straight just through the garden and knocked her .
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