Example sentences of "[noun] and [vb past] off [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Luckily for us he was too overcome to offer us refreshment , so we said our farewells and got back into the jeep and drove off along the road leading to the village of Breville .
2 She crossed the bridge between the frogs and set off for the far end of the green , where the lane led up into the council estate .
3 The car picked up speed and shot off into the distance .
4 Council workmen checking for land subsidence found the horrible remains close to the tunnel 's mouth and ran off in a panic to raise the alarm with their screams .
5 When a bream sucks a bait to its lips the unwanted material is taken into the mouth and filtered off through the gills .
6 But he recovered his balance in a stride and made off for the water jump .
7 Men , as he tried to pull himself to his feet , something big and heavy and square cannoned into him out of the dark and plunged off after the wizard .
8 Then she turned the car and drove off down the lane .
9 He made her as comfortable as possible on the back seat of the car and drove off into the night .
10 In the end , Anna borrowed Lady Vestey 's BMW car and drove off into the night , angry and humiliated at her very public snub .
11 He gave my passport to the Corporal who put it into his pocket , then we got into the car and drove off in the direction of Lille .
12 By the time we had driven to Port Eynon , the wind had really picked up but not easily deterred , we abandoned the car and set off towards the cliffs .
13 She raised her hand as a dubious Herr Nordern forced the car into almost the right gear and drove off with a curious jerking motion , then turned and went into the Centre with a look on her face which boded ill for anyone who crossed her path that day .
14 It twisted into an origami boat and sailed off towards a sewer inlet .
15 But as the runners made round the left-hand bend in front of the stands and set off into the country for the first time she was joined in the lead by Run And Skip , and the company clearly put her off , for she hit the third fence hard .
16 She lifted it over the fence and set off across the little meadow , gathering speed and thoroughly enjoying it .
17 Having correctly spaced the members of the party at the other end of the rope , any spare rope should be coiled neatly around the leader 's shoulders and tied off with an overhand knot , ready for possible use later in the day .
18 Left-winger Darren Junee brilliantly slipped round his marker , James Reynolds , just before half-time and set off on a jinking run down the left wing .
19 Disconsolately , we got back into the rickshaws and set off to the next address .
20 Sometimes he left the food , leaned into the wind and took off for a while , to circle and check that no Men were about .
21 Sharpe slammed back his heels and took off down the road as if the demons of hell were at his heels .
22 It sprang down off her lap and prowled off through a flower bed .
23 With an oath he struggled up , plucked the arrow from the crutch and stumbled off among the trees .
24 Within an hour Allan , Donald the smith , and the Logan brothers had set off down the strath to Weem with the petitions in a leather wallet , to add to the already thick bunch in James 's strong-box , and Cameron and James had got horses from a sympathizer in the village and rode off towards the narrow glen of Keltney .
25 Dorothea did not even mind when she lost her grip and wandered off down the avenues of the past , for sometimes she could accompany her , at any rate part of the way , and
26 After lunch , either from members ' own nosebags or from the Museum café , we reboarded our coach and set off on a magical mystery tour in search of Butterley and the M.R.C. It is quite fun ‘ turning round ’ on a fairly busy main road in a large coach !
27 She turned her back on Simon and walked off into the sand dunes .
28 Waggoner quietly got to his feet and walked off down the 17th .
29 Jezrael lurched stiffly to her feet and lumbered off at a run .
30 Then he scrambled to his feet and hared off between the trees .
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