Example sentences of "[noun] and [noun prp] [verb] [adv] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Then again I think to enable Speed and Macca to get forward we need a holding midfield player .
2 We 've missed Thursday , Friday , Saturday and Sunday have n't we ?
3 When the last sound of the coach and four had died away , Mary and the young girl turned from the window and Hope took out his pipe .
4 A corn-coloured moon climbed up the sky outside the closed window and Tom turned off his lamp so that there was no competition for the warm moonlight .
5 The man on the floor was staggering to his feet and Connor understood why he could not defend himself — he was half starved .
6 And er Alan apparently wants to go to Spain and Alan said well I 'm not bloody working there , as he said , I do n't wan na earn money like that !
7 Beverley and Gail work together you see .
8 The rest of the legend states that Felix and Regula picked up their heads , waded through the water , and walked up to the hill where the Grossmunster now stands , before expiring .
9 Pylons battle : both sides prepare their action plans Objectors and would-be developers battling over plans for pylons across North Yorkshire and Cleveland draw up their plans of action next week .
10 Lots more gestures and explanations and Dick zips up his trousers pretty smartish .
11 Well da co if Elaine and Edward stop there I can do a lot of decorating .
12 ( 27 November 1777 ) Among his complaints were that Mozart and his mother had stayed too long in Munich and Augsburg using up their money on lodging expenses without having any means of earning money , that Mozart was not keeping him fully apprised of exactly where his plans lay , how he was proposing to get from one place to another and by which route and when , that he was not keeping up with his composition , nor arranging to have existing works copied so that he could present them to an influential Prince or noble , and that he had not taken the right sorts of composition with him — too many symphonies and not enough church music .
13 Oh aye but when the bloke went next door to Jimmy 's , he , he said where 's your vent and Jimmy says there it is up there , ah , and he got up there
14 We did with Martin and Kim did n't we ?
15 His early attempts at evening wear were often disastrous , inspiring groans at the Oscars when Michelle and Julia showed off their sludgy simplicity to an overdressed audience hungry for sparkles and sequins .
16 Had Angell and Pownall carried out their instructions and only checked the compliance of the designs with the conditions , much of the criticism of the judges disappears .
17 Lee turned to face Philip and Philip knew immediately what was going to happen .
18 Dunlop had previously ridden the Honda in the Cookstown and Tandragee races where he won on both occasions .
19 Berndt 's gaze hovered embarrassingly on a level with her bosom and Chesarynth felt again her lack of development .
20 Hobson and McCarley followed up their paper on the dated scientific underpinning for Freudian theory in general with an analysis of current knowledge of the neurophysiology of sleep , as applied to dreaming .
21 Beresford , too , aims to prove a point by letting Liverpool and Wednesday see just what they missed — by helping Newcastle into the Premier league .
22 Martha and Dominic recall how they lost their sense of fun when they moved in together .
23 Leon laid his hands to the rod and George noticed how they were bigger , stronger , altogether more mature and experienced than the rest of him .
24 Tony Greenbank told Paul Ross of its most salient features and Paul worked out its locality .
25 The sturdy drawing room ( living-room was still an unborn word ) of Kileady was devised to accommodate and celebrate the outdoor life : many dog baskets sat on its beige carpet , many pictures by Lionel Edwards and Snaffles hung on its ivory walls .
26 If the division of labour within the enterprise were as ( tendentially ) uniform as Marx and Braverman suppose then there would be little problem in specifying this ‘ division by strata ’ : it would simply be the paradigmatic division within the enterprise ( mass of simple labour , restricted cadre of intellectual workers and N.C.O.s ) writ large .
27 Oxford lost 3-1 at Luton and Hereford went down one-nil at home to Crewe
28 There were no set meals ; the whole Smith family was deeply affected and Mary and Helen did only what was absolutely necessary .
29 Johnson and Boswell made up their quarrel when they rose , with Johnson saying he would not have turned back , as he had threatened , and headed for Edinburgh .
30 The jury has heard after Magee and O'Brien drove off their Sierra was chased by Pc Whitehouse and WPc Larkin in another police car .
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