Example sentences of "[noun] and [adv] [vb pp] back [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Other research suggested they might become concentrated , churned around in the waves and eventually deposited back along the beaches and banks of local estuaries .
2 ‘ What do you find to do , out all day ? ’ asked my mother , who only ventured out with a specific purpose in mind and always got back at the time she had decided she would .
3 He opened up a 24.8 seconds advantage over Jackson at the half distance refuelling halt and never looked back on a course which measured just over 190 miles in length .
4 Just as the classical and baroque triumphed in the design of state capitols and ultimately fed back into railway stations , so did Australia cling to forms which had never entirely been superseded as the official architectural language of imperialism .
5 Town 's drugs are often made in Britain , flown to the Far East or some other convenient staging post and then brought back on the next night — to be sold more cheaply than if they had never left Britain .
6 Some may have regretted the excursion and eventually turned back for home .
7 For all his achievements and popularity , Jones was again refused a commission in the French navy and instead sent back to the United States with despatches .
8 The BBC 's proposed solution was that everything should be handled by the BBC and then licensed back to the publishers .
9 He stayed in Moscow for two months before he returned to St. Petersburg and soon sailed back to Scotland .
10 It is from Zakarpatská Ukrajina , the Czech Ukraine or sub-Carpathian Ruthenia , first annexed by Hungary and later taken by the Soviet Union and never given back at the end of the war in 1945 .
11 She skipped in the stableyard and jumped up and down off orange boxes in the storeroom and occasionally thought back to her carefree days before Sylvester went mad on their behalf .
12 When the cat was successful it was rewarded with food and then placed back inside the box .
13 He stopped , glanced at his master and then bounded back to him .
14 As our pick-up ti me approached we mustered under our patrol commander and soon moved back to base , tired but satisfied that we 'd done a good job .
15 And , yes , I saw the incident at Southampton , where Mark Nicholas was eventually given out to a disputed close catch and then brought back to the crease .
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