Example sentences of "[noun] and [adj] [noun sg] [conj] it " in BNC.

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1 This has been the aim of a large part of mankind 's intellectual and moral striving but it is our self-awareness and not intellectual procrastination which is the key that opens the door to the self .
2 The result of acquiring literacy , they conjecture , ‘ is not an ordinary language … it is the language of analytic thinking and explicit argument and it is the tool that has been adopted by science and philosophy and to a large extent by the formal school system ’ ( ibid. p. 10 ) .
3 But it is in the tension between conceptual confusion and social reality that it is possible to expose some of the assumptions that inform policy and some of the hidden agendas that are currently structuring the life chances of subordinated communities .
4 The population of the town doubled in the last forty years of the eighteenth century ( thirty-five thousand people in 1760 ; seventy-three thousand in 1801 ) , but it was as yet far from being the dark and horrible landscape that it eventually became .
5 Historical research has thus proved more successful in demolishing old myths and theories about the relationship between crime and social change than it has in replacing them with sustainable generalizations .
6 The most interesting relationship in the data is the relatively high correlation between risk ratings and subsequent recall and it is worth investigating this in more detail .
7 FIGURE 2 In scumbling , the aim is to create a light and airy surface so it is important not to overload the brush or stay too long in one area .
8 It is precisely because British farmers have a competitive advantage in the production of sheepmeat , beef , cereals , dairy and other produce that it is in our interests to have a truly and genuinely single free and open common market in the EEC in agriculture produce .
9 But I found in the city centre , that er I did enjoy working there , but it it can be a bit of a cold and unfriendly place because it 's so such a rapid pace of life .
10 At this time , fears of a timber famine were being expounded as earlier laws had failed to redress the impact of lumber companies and agricultural development and it was becoming increasingly apparent that public lands were being sacked of their natural timber resources .
11 This decision depends on how easy it is to convert the SoftBench environment with Alsys tools to other operating systems , although Walker recognises Alsys will have to provide standard interfaces like Motif and Open Look if it sticks with Ada World .
12 But do n't let the lightweight feel fool you — the first time I wore it was during a 70mph mountain winds and driving rain and it kept me both warm and dry .
13 The needs are so varied and require such specialist and informed help that it is not possible to deal with them here .
14 A MORTGAGE application form completed and delivered to the lenders constitutes a contract between lender and prospective purchaser if it obliges the purchaser to pay for any valuation to be obtained and the lender does in fact obtain a valuation on that basis .
15 By asking for the supplier 's commitment at this early stage , Pearl wanted a quality assurance check and formal assurance that it had realistic expectations .
16 Almost always she answered ‘ yes ’ because she had come to prefer lying still , with his soft sleeping body behind her , breathing the night air scented with pine wood and wild thyme as it came to her through the open shutters , and listening to the faraway ululation of the Borzoi dog chained beneath the walls of the Castello Crocetto .
17 It is almost as if the modern mind , unable to tolerate cultural restraints , and feeling that discontent in civilization which Freud described long ago , had become so intolerant of the demands of communal existence and civilized behaviour that it saw each and every representative of those restraints as an incitement to revolt rather in the same way that an enraged revolutionary mob , thirsting for the blood of its oppressors , might fall on some unfortunate bystander merely because he happened to bear a resemblance to the head of the secret police .
18 Multimedia is one ingredient in this climate of change and potential diversification but it has some particular implications which publishers need to understand .
19 Farm work means long hours and low pay but it 's a great improvement on last year for David Smith .
20 The State is the result of the disorder brought about by inequality and private property and it is the means by which this inequality and private property is maintained .
21 If anyone could post the half-time score and final result when it comes through I 'd appreciate it .
22 Where , today , is the church sufficiently aware of the problems behind closed doors in the lonely streets that it is able to offer true community and true family when it is definitely needed ?
23 More than fifteen times the normal amount of ammonia was detected in parts of the river — conserationists say it could harm fish and other wildlife if it is n't tackled .
24 More than fifteen times the normal amount of ammonia was detected in parts of the river — conserationists say it could harm fish and other wildlife if it is n't tackled .
25 This will require leadership and generous resourcing if it is to produce results .
26 In particular it is looking at cross-curricular issues , including areas such as the role of careers guidance , health education and other aspects of personal and social education , environmental education and economic awareness and it is considering how these may best be reflected in the curriculum .
27 Indeed , in the early quarter of the twentieth century in the United States , interest in social survey research was far stronger among academics and activists in social welfare and social policy than it was among sociologists .
28 Standard polyurethane foam ignites rapidly , forming dense clouds of smoke and toxic vapour as it does so .
29 The initial release provides up to 254 simultaneous mainframe sessions , file transfer through CICS and CMS and support for IBM 's NetView network management system ; it also supports Santa Cruz Unix and Interactive Unix and it costs $7,250 .
30 In all of this , the Great Reform Act , 1832 stands as some kind of landmark development in the history of constitutional theory and political practice since it broke the essentials of the eighteenth-century constitution and also entrenched a new principle of governmental organisation .
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