Example sentences of "[noun] and [verb] for some [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He moved along the hedge , feeling the breeze from the south and looking for some spot where he could sit and scent it without too much risk .
2 So I had to go to Moscow and look for some plywood .
3 He asked about proceedings at Central Strike Headquarters and lingered for some time on the subject although he received no information .
4 Gradually , however , if all goes well , the bond should loosen and each become aware of their different needs and strive for some degree of independence .
5 We wandered over Clare Bridge , which always looks as if it is about to collapse , and then up to St John 's , where we stood on the old Wren bridge and talked for some time , gazing at the so-called Bridge of Sighs which connects the old and new parts of St John 's .
6 First appearing as tiny black spots on the upper surfaces of leaves , this is the outward sign that the fungus has already been inside the tissue and working for some time .
7 Even these more sophisticated attempts to elaborate where power lies and to allow for some freedom of manoeuvre for the state in capitalism can between , however .
8 Above all , they will need your loving understanding and support for some time to come .
9 The Prosecution would point to the 1991 Currie Cup Final and ask for some evidence of the power of South Africa .
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