Example sentences of "[noun] and [verb] [pron] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Second , because governments and ministers still retain political objectives and motivations , they will attempt to guard jealously information within their purview and to use it in such ways as to influence and direct public opinion .
2 As this knowledge of the remedies grows in you , do not be surprised if you sometimes ‘ just know ’ which is the right remedy and know it without any doubts .
3 Look at the numbers on your card and match them against those following for Game 228 Day 1 .
4 As with normal ISA slots , you 'll be able to take any VL Bus video card and plug it into any motherboard with VL Bus slots — something you ca n't do with proprietary slots .
5 It was the kind of bed that made into a table and bench-seats during the day and you just took the table off its legs and fitted it into some slots for night-time .
6 The misinformation concerns only the route Déj ‘ a Vu and has nothing at all to do with Prodigal Sons .
7 She was going to murder Margaret tomorrow , going off with Dennis and leaving them like that .
8 It would be interesting to know , however , whether the intensity of the debate at the time served to sear the official mind and closed it for many years afterwards to consideration of an alternative policy for sterling which substantially reduced its international role .
9 I know now what her power is strong enough to shatter a man 's mind and cast him from this world .
10 They then began to play a game which involved tearing pieces off the aircraft and hurtling them at each other .
11 If the scope of reason is confined to refining and systematising imperatives and deducing them from each other , how can it ever change their relation to the spontaneous ?
12 In other words , it would be good to review the forgiveness chapter and apply it towards that person who created the original problem .
13 Probing with his narrow hands he located the organs he sought , and , using another slender knife , dislodged and withdrew them , handing them to his assistant , who placed them in bronze trays and took them to another table where he covered them with natron salt , to dry and preserve them ready for the four jars which would stand in a chest at the head of the coffin .
14 " Moustachio , " the US intelligence agent who had already visited him in February , returned.He met the Shah in the palace in Rabat and told him of all the dangers that the US systems would pose for him-lawsuits to find his money , congressional subpoenas and demonstrations .
15 Er they had a lock , made it a good lock and sent it to all the clients and this is what we can supply , and it used to meet the needs of clients and they 'd er they 'd erm buy it and it kept them in business , you see what I mean ?
16 And even if you 're parking it in your driveway or close to your home , lock and secure it at all times .
17 Their approaches to Pope Boniface VIII and the resulting admonitions from the Pope condemning English invasions of the Papal fief of Scotland had incensed Edward and driven him to some of his more savage oppressions .
18 Policies such as these penalise those who drink sensibly , are detrimental to the drinks industry and do nothing at all to deter those who are determined to abuse alcohol .
19 and really always has been , erm , the idea of a centre is , is simply because you consider how much it costs to have a point wired when the house is , is built , er several people nowadays is ha well they buy an old house , they erm , say well we 'll take out the centre light and put us in some wall lights instead you see .
20 The amount of RNA synthesized was unrelated to motor activity or any measure of stress that we could identify ( for instance how much the birds peeped or twittered ) , but it was strongly correlated with their preference score ; that is , the more the chicks had learned about the flashing light and preferred it to any alternative , the more RNA was synthesized in their forebrain roof .
21 Alice quickly took the key and tried it in all the doors , but oh dear !
22 Many users panic when asked to press Ctrl or Alt and another key and treat it as some sort of test of agility !
23 He says in 1 John 1:9 , ‘ If we confess our sins , he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness . ‘
24 1 John 1:9 tells us , ‘ If we confess our sins , he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness . ’
25 If we confess our sins he is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness .
26 Ensure that the initiating member is kept informed of the progress of the engagement and copy him on all relevant correspondence .
27 You used to get two shears underneath your arm like that , and they used to drop them down like that , across your knees and top them like that , see ?
28 The information comes from selecting data and presenting it in such a way that it is meaningful and useful to the user .
29 Taking a bit more than you can happily copy with in life can result in feelings of distress and overwhelm you to some degree .
30 Helpless in her pinioned position , she opened her mouth to make a cutting retort and met Roman 's questing finger , slowly outlining her mouth , feathering indescribable sensations over the surface of her skin , then sliding between her lips and parting them with such lazy insistence that a shiver of reaction made her tremble all over .
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