Example sentences of "[noun] and [verb] [noun] [adv] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 They got their rods and landing nets together and set off for home .
2 You must confront your fears and doubts and take risks again and again .
3 In conjunction with changing Postglacial sea levels , high winds have driven large quantities of mineral sand and shell fragments inshore and inland to form machair , arguably the single most important habitat in the Western Isles for man as well as wildlife .
4 Take the safer route and use exfoliators now and again , not too often , especially if you have a sensitive skin .
5 He has a bullet lodged behind his eye and needs treatment quickly or he will be blinded .
6 ( a ) Return along Church Way to High Street and take path opposite and slightly to right through gates of Manor Farm .
7 ‘ He called round one day and saw Cleo there and after that …
8 It is terrible news for publicists and headline hunters everywhere but the secret has to be revealed .
9 On Sept. 2 the government announced a three-stage programme to remove the vestiges of communist control and integrate Estonia politically and economically with the rest of Europe .
10 Fifty-five per cent of SERC students finished their courses and started employment immediately or shortly thereafter .
11 Pat Gaffney , general secretary of Pax Christi , spoke in Manchester about the arms trade , which provides a major source of income for this country and provides employment directly or indirectly in a whole range of ways .
12 The student will be able to process client requirements for UK coach and rail services and ferry services within and from the UK .
13 What , alright , wait a minute , just let me finish , get it sorted out , why was buying a suite when we 've got to be stripping down wallpaper and getting dust everywhere and sand and dirt and Christ knows what , just to get it all shitted up
14 Sugar leaped forward to dominate the market and to transform life socially and racially first in Barbados and then in the other English West Indian islands .
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