Example sentences of "[noun] and [adj] [noun pl] ' [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 At the front was the Sergeant-Major , who was an easy-going Italian with spectacles and fourteen years ' Legion service .
2 He has also rationalized the range of wine and spirits stocks to reduce the stockturn ratio , introduced purchasing specifications , tightened up on the ordering system , established a fixed asset register and got the Accommodation Manager to prepare a five-year rolling plan for plant and equipment maintenance , as well as tightening up on staff overtime and casual workers ' pay .
3 The prize includes first class rail fares to Rusland Hall and two nights ' accommodation with breakfast and evening meal .
4 Situated at the end of Coney Street , between the Guildhall and All Saints ' Church , Pavement , the Centre if open from 10.00am – 5.00pm Monday–Saturday .
5 He recalled that the original American commitment was to supply the ROK army with an initial issue of equipment and six months ' supply of spare parts for a total strength of 50,000 .
6 She gained her grades through sheer hard work , determination and two years ' self-sacrifice .
7 She devoted herself to trade unionism , suffrage , and adult education for women , working with the Manchester University Settlement and the Lancashire and Cheshire Women Textile and Other Workers ' Representation Committee .
8 Jessica Wright was fourth in the junior girls ' 200m backstroke and Catherine Denard and Beth Grant were both sixth in the 1977 girls ' backstroke and 1978 girls ' butterfly respectively .
9 Political polls hold key to further economic integration The shape of the EMU depends on the French elections , Danish referendum and British MPs ' vote on Maastricht .
10 Er we 're going to continue our focus sponsorship on and corporate hospitality er we 're going to set up er a chairman and chief executives ' club which we er , we have now done being and that it 's the chief executives ' club , it 's their club , we facilitated , have er four or so er lunches er a year and a launch lunch for example we have as a keynote speaker .
11 The Society also worked closely with the recently formed African , Caribbean and Asian Lawyers ' Association to provide recruitment help for students from ethnic minorities .
12 December Defence and Foreign Ministers ' meeting [ see p. 37931 ] .
13 Second it can be argued that the relationship between community care plans and local authorities ' practice is not straightforward , but remains to be evaluated .
14 Satin Lover 's Festival options are also open , comprising the Champion Hurdle , County Hurdle and Supreme Novices ' Hurdle .
15 He is a member of the General and Municipal Boilermakers ' Union .
16 The cost includes : return scheduled flights , private coach for transfers and four days ' use in the local area , ten nights at Hotel Zur Post , Illmitz , breakfast and dinner daily , tuition from Peter Partington , the services of a professional travel director , travel insurance , porterage and basic gratuities .
17 There are three categories of readiness : one month 's recovery , three months ' recovery and six months ' recovery .
18 Sixty people attended the region 's annual meeting and new members ' party in the crypt of St Martin-in-the-Fields .
19 Later that month , railway workers belonging to the Swaziland Transport and Allied Workers ' Union struck for two days over union recognition .
20 One of these was James Larkin 's Irish Transport and General Workers ' Union , the ITGWU .
21 Mr Scargill 's election to Parliament would acutely embarrass Mr Kinnock , but would pave the way for the NUM 's merger with the Transport and General Workers ' Union .
22 The Transport and General Workers ' Union , which has the largest block vote ( 1.3m ) , is abstaining .
23 Ron Todd , Transport and General Workers ' Union general secretary , was applauded as he reaffirmed his union 's commitment to unilateralism .
24 For example , Ron Todd of the Transport and General Workers ' Union blamed the systematic bias and ignorance of the courts , and the new freedom to dismiss strikers granted by this Government , for the failure of the dock strike which was called by his union this summer .
25 Ron Todd , general secretary of the Transport and General Workers ' Union , said they found in this year 's dock strike that some judges had changed little since the days of the Tolpuddle Martyrs or Taff Vale .
26 Bill Morris , of the Transport and General Workers ' Union , also blamed government neglect of public services for the tragedies at Lockerbie , Clapham and Zeebrugge .
27 In spite of threats of defiance , court-imposed fines were collected from the NUM , NGA , and Transport and General Workers ' Union .
28 His chief challenger is Mr Paul Davies , a Transport and General Workers ' Union district official .
29 The Transport and General Workers ' Union complained last night after a driver employed at RAF Stafford died from a heart attack .
30 When the result was officially declared at a general committee meeting of the Birkenhead party last night , Mr Field had already won the first round of the ballot in the individual members section with 159 votes against his two challengers , Mr Paul Davies , a local Transport and General Workers ' union official , who secured 75 votes and Militant supporter , Ms Kathy Wilson , with 48 votes .
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