Example sentences of "[noun] and [adj] [noun sg] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This was a telling comment on Francoism 's concept of " normality " and , particularly , on its view of the intellectual and political capacity of women : men who were not the head of the household in which they lived and all unmarried women were disenfranchized , even if they had reached the age of majority .
2 Further problems highlighted by the chapter are the failure to recognize ethnic diversity and differences ( Asian is used to describe people from' India , Pakistan , Bangladesh , Sri Lanka , for example ) ; over-simplification of correlations and exclusion of environmental and societal influences ( e.g. attributing a black child 's intellectual and emotional impairment to parenting rather than to school and/or other family and community ) .
3 And with their given tone and range , the two lectures proclaimed that Altertumswissenschaft , the pure intellectual and compartmental study of antiquity , was not the least of his particular targets .
4 The socialist world was a ‘ powerful international entity ’ advancing along a path which ‘ reveal[ed] in every way the intellectual and moral wealth of man and society ’ .
5 The paradox in Leapor 's response to her experience is that she is firmly aware of its physical nature , yet she also insists on the intellectual and spiritual dignity of women .
6 ‘ The intellectual and rational conception of life has given way to a more creative interpretation ’ , wrote the British Surrealist Eileen Agar in 1931 , ‘ and artistic life is under the sway of womb-magic ’ ; and Agar give expression to this ‘ womb-magic ’ in the foetal and embryonic forms which play a central part in paintings such as ‘ Family Trio ’ or ‘ The Autobiography of an Embryo ’ where fluid shapes float across the picture plane to be captured in a net of geometric planes .
7 In the last ten years it has become apparent that there is some stability and continuity in intellectual and cognitive functioning from infancy through early and later childhood .
8 Both the adopted children and the institutionalized boys thus show that the deprivation of intellectual and social experience in infancy had not produced irreversible consequences , however drastic the effects at the time .
9 She characteristically underplays her education , intellect , and talent as a ‘ weaker Woman ’ , but her religious rationalization of women 's intellectual and social position in relation to men has a rather bitter tone : ‘ Eve 's Theft serv 'd but to dignify Man 's Soul , /Her Sex denied the Knowledge which she stole . ’
10 I am not attacking the intellectual and musical meritocracy of Oxford and Cambridge for I do not wish to become embroiled in a political argument .
11 The capacity for intellectual and psychological growth through learning goes on throughout life .
12 Within the coterminous Borough and Parliamentary Constituency of Blyth Valley , the old Labour hegemony based on the coal field has been seriously threatened by the emergence of an Alliance challenge .
13 Religion and Free Inquiry in Conflict
14 We hear of the wise fools of Chelm , of clever Khashinke and silly Bashinkel of David and his slingshot , of the fox and the fishes .
15 Artists and performers from all parts of Britain will be taking part in the Moorland Arts and Sacred festival at Grosmont in the Esk Valley near Whitby next month .
16 His earliest customers were pre-dominantly Scottish , but he soon widened his clientele to include members of the English aristocracy , men of the arts and considerable number of army agents .
17 Speaking to the Empire State Black Arts and Cultural Festival in Albany , New York , on July 20 , Jeffries made statements which were widely considered to be racist and anti-semitic .
18 There is a feeling of isolation and professional insecurity in schools .
19 presented a ‘ grid ’ file that performs particularly well when the number of search attributes is ten or less , and offers a high data storage utilization , good growth characteristics and efficient processing of range queries ; Stanfill and Kahle explain the principles of a parallel free-text search on a particular parallel computer , and claim a retrieval speed of 2 — 3 minutes for Boolean queries of 25 and 20000 terms respectively when the database in question takes up 15 Gbytes of storage space .
20 Certainly , the essential characteristics and overall appearance of Turkoman rugs have hardly changed for centuries .
21 The emission standards set for new vehicles gave due consideration to the technological feasibility and economic cost of compliance by the vehicle manufacturers and the standards which emerged were similar to those already adopted by California .
22 Richard Dunn , chairman of the ITV Association and managing director of Thames Television , said : ‘ It is sending out the wrong signals .
23 The idea that the non-German countries of Europe will be better off by linking their currencies and thus their economies — and , indeed , the lives of their citizens — to the Deutschmark provides a large part of the explanation of present establishment thinking and Federalist action throughout Europe .
24 Paul too ; for as she had come to know him better , she had grown fond of Paul ; dear , tactless Paul , who could be relied upon to mention the unmentionable , but whose kindness and gentle sense of humour were most appealing .
25 In particular , the English dragons , known as Worms , were a menace to the countryside for they attacked stock and laid waste to villages by poisoning the water supply .
26 Scientific method is obviously extemely valuable for finding out about things amenable to observation , experiment and logical progression of thought .
27 PRESIDENT F W de Klerk last night announced the unconditional release of eight prominent political prisoners , notably Walter Sisulu , 77 , former secretary-general of the African National Congress and the closest political associate and oldest friend of Nelson Mandela , with whom he was jailed for life in 1964 .
28 They bear favourable comparison and their intuition , perception and consistent attention to detail provides a much needed balance to any group discussion .
29 Field marks include longer legs and pinkish flush on breast in summer , but Common has breast tinged pale mauve .
30 This person , I thought , is what a woman should look like : this figure sitting opposite me with food and drink and companions manages to represent without acquired coquetry or self-diminishing selfconsciousness the very essence of femininity , the quality bestowed in at least some measure upon mother , sister , wife , daughter , the power which in its apparent passivity is most naturally creative and dynamic , the sweetness which belongs to the rhythms of earth and moon and song and dance , the ideal which tempers the brutishness and vulgarity and wanton egotism of man as he plunders our planet , napalms distant villages , pollutes the great oceans and corrupts every healing dream that has ever been wrenched by noble minds out of the bleak absurdities of this brief and cruel existence .
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