Example sentences of "[noun] of the [noun sg] [noun pl] in " in BNC.

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1 It is understandable that the previous isolation of the disease results in a sense of amazement in early recovery on the discovery that other people have not only shared similar experiences but also similar thoughts and feelings .
2 But there is no doubt that the real organizational flair , the risk-taking , and the shrewd perception of the profit opportunities in catering belonged to members of the Salmon and Gluckstein families , and the real power in the company lay with them .
3 The bulk of the textile manufacturers in northern France at the same period were similarly children of what could already be considered the middle strata ; the bulk of the mid-nineteenth-century Nottingham hosiery manufacturers had similar origins , two-thirds of them actually coming from the hosiery trade .
4 ENGLAND claimed the bulk of the judo medals in the 1990 Commonwealth Games in Auckland but the Commonwealth Tournament at the National Sports Centre , Cardiff , this weekend will be more open .
5 ‘ Access to Enterprise ’ is primarily an educational development programme aimed at influencing the curriculum and teaching methods of the undergraduate courses in the University .
6 Defeat of the Axis troops in Tunisia marked in Churchill 's words ‘ the end of the beginning ’ but for the enemy the beginning of the end and was indeed the turning point of the Second World War .
7 As well as £2,000 , and a trophy presented by the Duchess of Kent , he has won a place in the Eurovision Young Musician of the Year heats in Brussels in June .
8 Overfishing , combined with the effects of the cyclical change in currents known as El Nino ( which can cause widespread collapses in the marine food-web ) , resulted in the collapse of the anchoveta stocks in 1972 , when catches fell to less than one-twentieth of that in the 1970 season .
9 Although achieved briefly , it was not until the closure of the street routes in the early Sixties , that the fleet was centralised on this depot .
10 Diaz et al have shown homozygous or hemizygous loss of the interferon genes in 29% of patients with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia , but it is unclear whether the critical target gene is one of the interferon genes or another locus nearby .
11 They are facing formidable opposition in the shape of last year 's winner , Rosa Mota , who sees London as a warm-up for the Olympics , where she 'll be defending her title and looking to put the disappointment of the World Championships in Tokyo last year behind her .
12 It is now , at the instant of eye-to-eye contact , that considerations of the employment prospects in Australia will cross your mind , as will whether God will , in His infinite mercy , cause a Black Hole to appear on the dance-floor , immediately beneath your feet for preference .
13 Compaction also caused the secondary limestones to become fractured and in some cases this results in the caving of the limestone sections in boreholes which can be detected using the caliper log ( Fig. 24 ) .
14 the appropriateness of the unit/module outcomes in terms of its title and its purpose
15 This was tempered by a commitment to run banking policy , until the treaty was signed , through a Gosbank Council comprising Gosbank chair Viktor Gerashchenko and the heads of the state banks in the union republics .
16 However , after much thought and discussion we still feel that many aspects of the teaching programmes in Hungary are very beneficial for children with profound and multiple learning difficulties .
17 Well as an association , we naturally get ourselves involved with many other aspects of the university activities in that erm both the students are applicants of ours and come and talk to us about projects which they may like to see emerge , and other departments of the university , the music department etc. , sometimes find that our knowledge of the area , or certain aspects of some of the schemes that we 're operating , coincide with what they 're trying to do and it turns out to be that campuses like this are often useful places for residencies and artists will come and take up residency in a university for a period of time , and that 's often been exploited by the Association .
18 There would be no difficulty in principle both in improving the theory tests and in extending both them and the practical tests so as to include , for example , score-reading and harmonization at the keyboard , aspects of the university courses in music which many students now find very difficult indeed .
19 Traditionally the Chancellor of the Exchequer relents in relation to some minor aspects of the tax proposals in the Budget .
20 In general the " topping workmen " were rare enough in London and hardly existed elsewhere , except perhaps in some branches of the metal trades in Sheffield or Birmingham .
21 Panamanians on the Canal Zone border celebrate the coming into effect of the Canal Treaties in 1979 by tearing up the American flag
22 An example was the effect of the Soweto riots in 1976 in South Africa .
23 All the oligopoly models just discussed are examples of non-co-operative games , and in the light of the antitrust laws in most advanced industrial countries this would seem to be appropriate .
24 It is perhaps significant that stretching of the vortex tubes in Fig. 21.11 could be produced by the structure in Fig. 21.10 as well as by the mean flow , but this is a matter requiring further investigation .
25 All three judges in the Divisional Court ( the others were Glidewell J and Nolan J ) found the speeches of the Law Lords in Bromley v. GLC not easy to understand and impossible to reduce to agreed principles .
26 According to the report , the removal of Jagmohan was a direct response to the action of the security forces in the aftermath of Maulvi Farooq 's assassination .
27 This would seem to cover the action of the lock keepers in this case .
28 Principal components are defined in terms of combinations of the pixel values in each of the four MSS or seven TM bands .
29 In order to define explicitly the roles of the Research Councils in wealth creation , they will each be given mission statements , as they themselves advised .
30 He loved the sound of those words almost as much as the weight of the gold coins in the priest 's belt .
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