Example sentences of "[noun] of a [noun sg] [pers pn] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 When you have these on either side of a path it often indicates an ancient trackway or road of some description .
2 In the last exercise you learnt that to remove a number from one side of an equation you simply had to do the opposite or reverse operation to both sides .
3 He trails after her , making dramatic declarations of a sort he never has the occasion to make to Felicity .
4 Maxim stood on the rails md tried to imagine the bustle as a train panted in , of the steam glowing the lamplight at night , of the sense of distance and connection … but it was trying to imagine the broken chimes of a clock you never heard .
5 Yes I think it depends on what kind of a message you actually have on your recorder to start off with .
6 She saw his eyes travel her body and Robyn wondered what kind of a mess she much look .
7 In the course of an afternoon he usually managed to finish a medium-sized painting , although larger paintings took two or three sessions .
8 In the past decade , however , we have also learnt that to understand the physics of a solid we seldom need to know the ‘ complete structure ’ ; in most cases the ‘ local structure ’ is sufficient .
9 Another barnstormer of a game I here ( 3–3 ) .
10 In this business , a sense of direction can mean the difference between laughing like a drain or getting caught with your trousers around the ankles of a friend you never had .
11 I believe she has even phoned an old school friend of mine whom she avowedly dislikes and asked him for the manuscript of a symphony we once composed together .
12 Though Pitt was always sceptical about the likelihood of an invasion he clearly thought the extra half a million a year it cost to keep the militia under arms was money well spent .
13 Well that they any comment on the appearance of a woman they now think erm it 's rather difficult to say .
14 It was the colour of a skirt I once had that he had specially liked .
15 But it 's such shame cos it 's , I mean it 's such a chance of a lifetime I just wish the trouble
16 Jones , who makes his debut at Ipswich tomorrow , revealed the agonising details of a transfer he never wanted to happen .
17 When we look at the colour pattern of a cat we automatically think of it as something the animal inherits from its parents .
18 Did you find out from the last exercise that to get the area of a triangle we simply do the following ?
19 With cautiously gloved hands , Ace flicked through papers from a locked cabinet , which she had opened by means of a knife she usually concealed in her boot .
20 It was a dramatic and impractical outfit of a kind I only expected to see on the male models who posed in the more outlandish fashion magazines that our rich clients brought aboard Wavebreaker , yet Jesse Isambard Sweetman managed to wear the elaborate style with an elegant insouciance .
21 First thing this morning , Martha put a fifty-pound note into the pocket of an apron you subsequently wore , thinking it to be yours . ’
22 It was wonderful to rinse off the lightly scented lather and with it the heat and grime and terror of a day she never wanted to repeat as long as she lived .
23 In the early stages of a book I always write out two things : one , the plot , that is , the murder and how it happened and perhaps how eventually it will be seen for what it is ; two , the story ( which to make what I mean even clear to myself I generally label " The Storyline " ) , that is , in very rough outline what happens first and what happens next and next and next .
24 Armed with machine guns , they were members of a unit we soon learned to fear .
25 What you should bear in mind of course , is that in the space of a month I probably look at this a couple of thousand times .
26 As always with Mussorgsky , and never more so than in the case of this opera , the issues are complicated ; and though most of the work 's admirer 's would now agree that Shostakovich 's orchestration is closer to the spirit of a composer he deeply admired than that of Rimsky-Korsakov , whose admiration led him to wish to ‘ sell ’ the work in the West , there are reservations to be made .
27 Take a look at the two photographs ( above ) and this will equally convince you that since being in the hands of an expert it really has become my ‘ crowning head of glory ’ .
28 Every time I get the hang of an idea it suddenly turns into something different and I turn into a fool !
29 When I first saw it I was confused by a strange surrealistic image of a place I both did and did not recognise .
30 But even looking at a map of an area you already know can be interesting .
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