Example sentences of "[noun] of [art] [noun sg] [pers pn] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It follows therefore , does it not , that one has to look at the characteristics of the land you now propose to take out of the greenbelt , in the same way as the land immediately to the north , which you propose should remain .
2 ‘ Yes , ’ say City fans of the way it quietly concentrates on its local patch and gets on with the job .
3 I often thought her blindness was not entirely physical : she wanted finally to shut her eyes to the sorrows and miseries of the son she still adored , for she could not bear to see me suffering .
4 We agreed that Deborah would cover the administrative side of the discussion , the need to raise funds for rehabilitation , for residential care and for support for the carers ( whose life is as devastated by the loss of the person they previously knew as it is by the burden of twenty-four-hour dependency . )
5 This fellow , who must be the only , or almost the only , surviving person outside Japan who has been the target of a nuclear bomb , and who knows what it 's like for real ( as opposed to the criminally bone-headed fantasising about nuclear war indulged in by our sillier soldiers and politicians ) , was not only matter-of-fact about it all , as though it was the sort of thing that might have happened to anyone , but he actually admitted that he had never given a thought to the possibility that he might be at risk as a result of the radiation he undoubtedly suffered at the time until recent weeks when various busybodies brought the matter to his attention .
6 Norman Lamont , she thought , would look good in a gangster movie of the kind she occasionally watched on the telly , playing opposite George Raft or James Cagney .
7 When you have these on either side of a path it often indicates an ancient trackway or road of some description .
8 When fixing trellis panels to a shed fence , or the side of the house I always use hooks and eyes .
9 In the last exercise you learnt that to remove a number from one side of an equation you simply had to do the opposite or reverse operation to both sides .
10 On successful completion of the training they then transfer to another ship in the fleet and work as a waiter or waitress .
11 He trails after her , making dramatic declarations of a sort he never has the occasion to make to Felicity .
12 If the industry can answer ‘ yes ’ to these and similar questions about other sectors of the industry it probably makes sense to take a hard look at what is happening in New Zealand and to then advocate some radical thinking in both London and Brussels .
13 Maxim stood on the rails md tried to imagine the bustle as a train panted in , of the steam glowing the lamplight at night , of the sense of distance and connection … but it was trying to imagine the broken chimes of a clock you never heard .
14 However , as I start walking in the direction of the lake he merely steps into stride .
15 On this part of the case I respectfully agree with the observations of Lord Donaldson M.R. , at p. 325f , in the Court of Appeal and of Neill L.J. , at p. 328f .
16 ‘ This is the part of the house we actually use .
17 If anything went wrong in any part of the world he always said " That 's because you got rid of the little man " .
18 In addition to attempting to assess attitudes , in this part of the questionnaire we also sought information about routine evaluation .
19 But to take some fact that a novelist has written of and to add it to the mishmash at the back of your mind and then to reproduce it as part of the web you eventually weave : this is the process of creation .
20 Part of the time it just hung there in the water , not even the tip of a fin moving .
21 Part of the time he just looked out into space .
22 Pure logic is only a small part of the thinking we habitually do , and can only be so because it is only appropriate for certain limited activities .
23 As he prepared to take full advantage of the situation he suddenly recalled a horrible memory .
24 And tomorrow TI 's finance team it due to visit Cheltenham for a close inspection of the company it now owns .
25 Yes I think it depends on what kind of a message you actually have on your recorder to start off with .
26 She saw his eyes travel her body and Robyn wondered what kind of a mess she much look .
27 ‘ You must believe me when I tell you that I have found it impossible to carry the heavy burden of responsibility and discharge my duties as the heir to the throne without the help and support of the woman I now loathe . ’
28 In the course of an afternoon he usually managed to finish a medium-sized painting , although larger paintings took two or three sessions .
29 In the past decade , however , we have also learnt that to understand the physics of a solid we seldom need to know the ‘ complete structure ’ ; in most cases the ‘ local structure ’ is sufficient .
30 Another barnstormer of a game I here ( 3–3 ) .
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