Example sentences of "[noun] of [art] [noun sg] [unc] children " in BNC.

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1 Although the numbers have fallen in the last decade , a high proportion of the world 's children do not even have the opportunity of having protection from some of the major childhood killers , diseases for which vaccines are available — measles for example is a major cause of childhood mortality .
2 It includes a portrait of the artist 's children in a landscape by Sir Francis Grant ( est .
3 Curriculum workers are resolutely opposed to excluding content and approaches which they know , with good teaching , to be within the grasp of a fair percentage of the nation 's children .
4 But as you know the needs of the world 's children go far beyond the immediate emergencies like those in Somalia or Liberia .
5 That was in keeping with the respect in which she is held for her tireless work , especially on behalf of the world 's children .
6 THIRD World governments are allocating half their total spending to armaments and debt servicing , at a cost of nearly $1 billion or $400 for every family , according to Unicef 's annual report , The State of the World 's Children , published yesterday .
7 The State of the World 's Children , 1990 , is published by OUP , price £3.50p .
8 Discussing infectious diseases on an international scale , Rogers ( 1987 ) quotes the UNICEF State of the World 's Children Report ( 1987 ) which indicates that 3.5 million children under the age of 5 die each year from preventable childhood diseases and a further 3.5 million are disabled , mainly in the developing world .
9 The summit , initially proposed in the State of the World 's Children report published by the UN Children 's Fund ( UNICEF ) in December 1988 [ see p. 36381 ] , was formally backed in February 1990 by Canada , Egypt , Mali , Mexico , Pakistan and Sweden .
10 UNICEF 's 1990 The State of the World 's Children report said that some 40,000 children died every day from malnutrition and preventable illnesses ( principally immunizable diseases , dehydration due to diarrhoea , and pneumonia ) .
11 The first World Summit on Children sponsored by UNICEF in September adopted a 10-point programme for children 's rights [ see p. 37732 ] based on a series of recommendations contained in the State of the World 's Children 1988 report .
12 UNICEF 's State of the World 's Children 1991 report , published on Dec. 20 , said that an extra US$20,000 million would be needed to fulfil the summit 's promise to improve conditions for children by 2000 .
13 Finally , he agreed to meet various costs and charges of the countess ' children and grandchildren at her request .
14 Finally , he agreed to meet various costs and charges of the countess ' children and grandchildren at her request .
15 The gifts of which evidence was given were in favour of the plaintiff 's children and in the circumstances did not in substance conflict … with his intention to benefit the plaintiff .
16 According to Malthus , its fiercest critic , it depressed the wages paid by farmers by compensating wherever they fell below a scale set by the bread price and the number of the labourer 's children in relation to his wage ( Marshall 1968 ) .
17 The purpose of this policy is twofold , first as a means of achieving a more effective link between education and employment so that school leavers are old enough to take up productive work when they leave school , secondly as a means of offering a basic education to a greater number of the nation 's children and ensuring that they stay at school to complete it .
18 The spontaneity of metaphoric innovation in the speech of the professor 's children leads her to the revelation that words once thought of as ‘ the bare bones of language ’ are actually alive with flesh .
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