Example sentences of "[noun] of [art] [noun] over [art] " in BNC.

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1 The Corps originated in 1859 when the Volunteer Movement was formed as a result of the panic over the threat of a French invasion .
2 As a result of the controversy over the rejection by the Royal Academy of his portrait of T. S. Eliot , Lewis had resumed the kind of fame he had attained before the First World War .
3 Strolling down the Strand towards the Savoy for the election-night bash thrown by Conrad Black , right-wing Canadian owner of the two Telegraph s and the Spectator , I meet the dark , unfathomable eyes of a woman over the top of her sleeping bag .
4 How distant now seem the quarrels of the spring over the introduction of new short-range missiles .
5 It covered the demobilization , repatriation or relocation of the contras over a 90-day period beginning on Sept. 8 ( i.e. by Dec. 5 ) .
6 As the Venice Biennale approaches its centenary year , political machinations , seemingly so dear to the heart of Italian and particularly Venetian cultural activities , are holding up the appointment of new members of the Management Committee which is responsible for the programme of the Biennale over the next four years .
7 The British Museum acquired some of these pieces knowingly , as examples of modern fakes , and by examining the pieces in the scanning electron microscope ( see glossary ) using microanalysis and digital-mapping techniques it has been possible to plot the concentration of the cadmium over the soldered surfaces .
8 This novel , with its chaotic narrative order and its prominent self-conscious authorial commentary , is an ideal example for the Formalists of the privileging of the syuzhet over the fabula .
9 A large sycamore tree growing in the front garden had branches which stretched along the side of the house over the trellis .
10 It was then Gedanken realized that all along she had been hearing the voices of the beetles over a loudspeaker .
11 The Board 's General Manager Tom Frawley said today that the decision to close the Shantallow home had been a difficult one , but claimed it was the only possible course of action ‘ in light of the increase over the last few years in the level of nursing home accommodation and the reduced demand for residential accommodation which has come about as a result of improvements in housing in general and the development of sheltered accommodation and other community alternatives . ’
12 It is understood that councillors who voted in favour of the motion are now to consult with the Department of the Environment over the legality of offering waste collection free of charge to Orange halls .
13 With the world 's transport systems not prepared to align themselves with Athletico training sessions or match kick-offs , Homstat was sometimes absent for weeks on end , giving team talks with the aid of an interpreter over the telephone , or he would be a lone , pathetic figure , sat in the dug-out on a wet Monday morning urging on thin air .
14 In 1986 , he destroyed at a single stroke the stranglehold of the unions over the British newspaper industry by removing his operation overnight to non-union Wapping .
15 The housebuilding side of the business has seen a 55pc rise in sales in the first five months of the year over the start of 1992 .
16 We had ample occupation watching the play of the clouds over the sides of the hills , and the bits of rugged moor and moss and flowing stream that enlivened the way ; but at a turning within some three miles of the inn of Kinlochewe , as we were about to pass the east-going mail gig with its complement of travellers , our driver jerked the horses into a ditch , which upset our machine and broke one of the springs .
17 THE French Grand Prix was yesterday restored to the 1993 Formula One schedule after settlement of a dispute over an anti-smoking law .
18 Ada Nield Chew , a working class mother , feminist and labour movement activist , was scornful in her assessment of the debate over the link between women 's employment and infant mortality .
19 The failure to engage in that kind of self-reflection was part of a self-assurance over the wider common culture .
20 The Hawaiian Islands provide a classic example of a volcanic line , and the generally accepted explanation of this type of feature involves the passage of part of a plate over a sub-lithospheric thermal anomaly which , through the periodic generation of magma in the overlying crust sequence of volcanic activity at the surface ( Fig
21 Perhaps the other girl did n't mind being part of a deal over a vineyard .
22 Alterations to the original building have been largely cosmetic , although some of the remaining part of the wall over the lobby has been converted to a most attractive glazed bay .
23 This compensation is effected by turning the upper part of the rails over a vertical curve , thus diminishing the gradient of the incline and reducing the gravity effect of the upper tank .
24 In past years erm in the British Isles especially with the British Met Office , we 've only been able really to study part of the atmosphere over the northern hemisphere .
25 ‘ The main cause of the projected reduction of the group over the PES ( Public Expenditure Survey ) period will be reduced inflows to long-term unemployment rather than the ( slightly ) reduced outflows . ’
26 A nerve-wracking wait added to the mounting psychological pressure as we charted the progress of the sun over the Anglesey seascape .
27 Another method is to take a sample of titles or subject areas and follow the progress of the sample over a number of years .
28 Nothing further was heard from him on that subject but in the meantime Whitbread had made contact with a Bedford surgeon , Samuel Young , who embarked on an extended trial of the remedy over the course of the following three years .
29 When they were both soaked in the greasy oil , she watched him pour the remainder of the bottle over the rubber sheet .
30 ‘ There 's been a bit of a crisis over the weekend — some vital supplies have been held up — and , apparently , my presence is urgently required . ’
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