Example sentences of "[noun] of [noun sg] it [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Beside the stone shell of the Flemyngs ' new mill , at the back of a piece of ground it now shared with a new carpet factory , long-haired cattle were browsing desultorily among mudded grass and stacks of timber .
2 Oakeshott suggests that each mode of experience constitutes a self-contradiction since the aim it pursues contradicts the criterion of coherence it implicitly acknowledges .
3 At some level of expenditure it presumably becomes inequitable for a disabled person to expect public support for the more expensive domiciliary care if this means depriving someone else of care of any sort .
4 These three teachers were struggling to survive in an inner-city school and could not give the evaluation project the kind of commitment it really deserved .
5 Its latest figures show that on £1.2bn of business it only made £18m profit .
6 In the case of machinery it often makes operators indifferent to the dangers they are involved with every working day .
7 At this point , the family probably can not yet afford a high quality modern house , but for reasons of status it still decides to move into a sub-standard , ill-constructed house built with modern materials , a house that turns into an oven during the summer and generates demand for electrically-powered cooling devices .
8 During the early 1970s , when the sort of thinking exemplified by Limits to Growth permeated official forecasts of imminent shortages of strategic commodities , the CIA toyed with the idea that ‘ The United States ’ near-monopoly position as a food exporter … could give [ it ] a measure of power it never had before . ’
9 When rock comes to rest under the influence of gravity it just stays there .
10 This attitude has provoked strong reactions from various gallery holders who have benefited by the system , some of whom accuse Mr Job de Ruiter , the chairman of the Arts Council , of wanting to dictate the taste of the public by forcing on it a type of art it simply does n't want .
11 In more than five years of operation it allegedly invested more than US$50,000,000 in cocaine trafficking , arms smuggling and the illegal export of Indian mummies from the northern Atacama desert region .
12 After years of uncertainty it now appears that a new chapter is about to open in the life of Dunkirk Mills .
13 The theory is now in disrepute but in side paths of the groves of Academe it still finds plenty of support .
14 I I think it 's just words that briefly talking about that issue office states because I think in terms of management it just does not make any sense .
15 In terms of policy it thus became essential to try to weaken the English grip upon both the sea and the main rivers , such as the Oise , which flowed into the Seine , by seeking to detach the Burgundians from their English links .
16 In terms of sound it hardly matters , because once you plug in live , the real sound is brought out in the house — you go both direct and to the amp ( racked Gallien-Krueger and Ampeg SVT heads through Hartke cabs in Gene 's case ) .
17 As golf is another favourite Hastings sport and an ideal means of relaxation it probably does n't help his back problem that he gives the ball such a lick as to threaten to land it in the next kingdom !
18 Once the ground has lost its protective cover of vegetation it quickly turns to desert .
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