Example sentences of "[noun] of [Wh det] [verb] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Inspired by Hensel 's construction , E Steinitz , in a 140 page paper in 1910 , undertook a classification of all fields , several apparently unrelated sorts of which had now come into existence .
2 He encompassed his object of breaking the bond between the two by telling Mehmed II that Hocazade wanted to become kazasker , while telling Hocazade that Mehmed II wanted him to become kazasker , as a result of which Hocazade unwillingly accepted the post which Mehmed II unwillingly offered him .
3 There is the clearing of the room , the removal of any trace of what had previously filled it .
4 At a meeting on Jan. 6 the two leaders agreed to cancel the annual " Team Spirit " joint military exercises , the holding of which had frequently resulted in the suspension of dialogue by North Korea .
5 The Jesuits commissioned a series of canvases of The Passion from Škréta , the remainder of which has now come to rest in the s gallery at the W end .
6 Accept this sketch of what has just happened , and you might conclude that Mr Clinton 's presidency is over .
7 This is a survivor of the many small country mills , the majority of which have long disappeared .
8 In 1980 , a group of young musicians met in the University for the first rehearsal of what has since become one of the country 's leading brass ensembles .
9 Traditionally , online systems have delivered information that may well be kept up to date on a regular and frequent basis but is still essentially a record of what has already taken place , an accumulation of historical information .
10 Scanning and monitoring provide a picture of what has already taken place and what is happening .
11 Even if Telecom could get planning permission for its Ballsbridge site ( although it is difficult to see anyone now wanting to get caught up in a possible planning scandal on top of what has already gone down ) the development costs are going to be huge .
12 Although your lower-limb lamentations are a testimonial to your marathon effort , the pain provides only a small hint of what has actually happened inside your body during the race .
13 The third , Sotoo Tatsumi , was the head of the Sumitomo Bank , a former branch manager of which had illegally procured third-party loans for stock speculators .
14 Yet anyone who cocked an ear to their self-titled debut EP earlier this year will have been impressed by how un-English it was , both in its rough-hewn melancholic tangle — most obviously echoing both Buffalo Tom and the N-band , though not actually resembling either — and the absence of what has now become the standard English guitar-band attitude : jumped-up barrow boys jostling those same old post-punk moves , all looking out for the main chance and a quick route to the charts .
15 However , there is a distinction between admiration for the productive capacity of capitalism , the sense of which has always lain behind working-class hopes for the future because of a realization of the enormous capacity of the forces of production , and a kind of shocked acceptance of the innovative capacity of capital as a social force in creating conditions for its continued reproduction .
16 As regards the concept of time , the poem is remarkable for its modern point of view : ‘ Similarly , time by itself does not exist ; but from things themselves there results a sense of what has already taken place , what is now going on and what is to ensue .
17 Lifelong bogeys became jokes ; the long tunnel of what had always seemed to her exaggerated behaviour and elaborate unorthodoxy had a light at the end of it , the light of a life with Peter .
18 It was only when he had followed Cornelius most of the way across the room that the significance of what had just happened dawned on him .
19 In front of the building was a large paved double courtyard , which was level , despite the steep gradient of the hill ; it was separated from the pavement by a high , elaborate , wrought iron fence , the gate of which stood fortunately open .
20 Indeed , Eisenman seems to have focused a searchlight on the underlying simplicity of what has hitherto seemed a complicated situation .
21 Since that hope was so far removed from the reality of what had actually happened , Rory felt a peculiar desire to giggle .
22 They are rhythmic phenomena and thus analogous to river meanders , or pools and riffles , the basic causes of which remain equally obscure .
23 And so in the blazing heat of the next day Martha was supplied with a small replica of the new green , black and gold Jamaican flag and hoisted on to her stepfather 's shoulders at the gates of what had just ceased to be the colonial governor 's mansion , to see a small erect figure in the back of a Rolls-Royce drive slowly away .
24 It did not conceal his monstrous organ , the end of which had temporarily found lodgement in the eye socket of the defunct toddler .
25 Suddenly , there was a chink of light at the end of what had previously looked like a dead-end tunnel .
26 President Bush on May 9 vetoed legislation designed to overhaul the much-criticized system for financing congressional election campaigns , the cost of which had sharply escalated in recent years .
27 And there was a certain xenophobia informing the official English view of what had rapidly become a world game .
28 Science was no longer a programme ; it was a great body of knowledge , parts of which had already shown themselves to be power .
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