Example sentences of "[noun] of [noun sg] [verb] over [art] " in BNC.

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1 In the meantime , Nobby was engaged in fashioning a piece of metal to fit over the top of the stick .
2 A piece of paper comes over the pine counter with five numbers on it .
3 Everywhere bells ring the alarm ; a surge of fear sweeps over the countryside .
4 A thick scatter of cloud hung over the moor .
5 Numerous food scares and the dramatic rise in reported cases of food poisoning over the last few years , plus the need to comply with European Community requirements led to the Food Safety Bill , now nearly two years old .
6 The first wave of Manichaeism swept over the Levant and Asia Minor in the third and fourth centuries — Bogomilism was the first manifestation of a neo-Manichaean movement which penetrated into southern and western Europe between the ninth and thirteenth centuries .
7 Slate we wanted to produce we want , you know if there a lot a bit of waste going over the tip , we were n't so much worried bout the waste , cos we was on the bonus we were making the slates and that .
8 But despite this slight shift in the taboos , as late as the 1920s Havelock Ellis and Albert Moll were still able to recommend little metal suits of armour fitted over the genitals and attached to a locked belt as prophylaxis for masturbation , and sex education books continued to inveigh against the solitary vice well into the second half of the century .
9 He drank nightly with the Mason in the treasure cave he called a wagon , and a kind of normality settled over the grinding wickedness of the Miracle Pageant and its never-ending circuit .
10 A difficulty of interpretation arises over the question whether it must be the constable who warns who effects the arrest .
11 A veil of ignorance hangs over the moment of creation .
12 A look of bewilderment comes over the faces of visitors who can not comprehend why some supporters will not go to watch the national side simply because they are playing on Rangers ' ground .
13 As Carolyn started to read a look of absorption came over the child 's face , and her thumb slotted into her mouth .
14 THE late Bruce Chatwin once said that when he worked at Sotheby 's he became acutely aware of indestructible objects of art surviving over the years while generations of human flesh decayed around him .
15 Treatment has concentrated on the removal of dirt accumulated over the centuries and conservation of areas of the bronze affected by acid rain and pigeon droppings .
16 The wavefront of mist rolled over the Marines in a billowing carpet , though once the first rolling wave was past , the mist was much thinner , merely causing a watery distortion in everyone 's vision .
17 A speck of grit danced over the time-segment at the lower right-hand corner , smearing the rolling figures .
18 The ending of wartime controls over the economy when peace came was not a popular cry , whatever the Conservative Party and business interests may have thought .
19 Working in the studio , you had to have buckets of water thrown over the actors to give the impression of being at sea !
20 The work was in progress from 1827 until 1840 and represents Donizetti 's career in microcosm ; even the type of paper improves over the years with the progress of his career .
21 The tiny beam of light flickered over the telephone — and back .
22 I do n't think either , given the succession of scandals and the aura of sleaze hanging over the Secretary of State 's quango sector that anyone would deny that in terms of value for money and financial probity , direct democratic control is a far better watchdog than the financial control systems of the Welsh office .
23 Cut pieces of muslin to fit over the rims of the containers and hold each of them in place with two large rubber bands .
24 A dark curtain of cloud hung over the horizon to the north as Dexter weaved his way through the clotted traffic on the Kentish Town Road .
25 Soon after , he checked out in Vegas , the suspicion of murder hovering over the coroner 's report .
26 A loud gasp turned to uproarious laughter , as a stream of champagne sprayed over the naked showgirl to douse the flame of the candle .
27 Have we now reached the stage where there is a recognised body of work produced over the 1980s by women artists ?
28 If an owl swoops down on the kangaroo rat , the kangaroo rat is alerted by the sound of wind passing over the bird 's wings and can evade the grasping talons .
29 Outside , another fierce white explosion of water burst over the side , carried by the screaming banshee of a wind on to the armoured glass plate of the bridge .
30 However , her feelings of hopelessness increased over the next 3 weeks and late one night , after she had been drinking alone , she took an overdose of the tranquillizer mixed with paracetamol and then went to bed .
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