Example sentences of "[noun] of [adj] [noun] of women " in BNC.

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1 AMES is a channel for the incorporation of those sectors of women who , on account of their specific conditions ( housewives , professionals , some teachers , slum-dwellers and students ) have not yet been incorporated into the popular struggle .
2 Discussions of various aspects of women 's work are to be found in chapter 3 , sections 3.2 , 3.4 and 3.5 .
3 One of the phenomena of his campaign was the presence of large groups of women who would scream and faint whenever he came anywhere near them .
4 Further , some men play out their fantasies of power over women through their sexuality in the form of rape , sexual harassment and other forms of sexual molestation of women .
5 The first and third shows , ( dis ) parities and countervail , profile with work of two groups of women who have been working collectively for a number of years .
6 They seem to involve a highly personal spiritual search for an idyllic free space for women which is ultimately compromised by latent elements of patriarchal oppression of women .
7 Women 's history has yet to take root within our universities and so must wait even longer before it makes an impact in the classroom despite the availability of many histories of women produced in the last decade or so , which could provide starting points for a better balanced approach to history .
8 The pattern of results raises major concerns about the role of GPs in using section referrals as a method of social control of women .
9 We know the occupations of 161 fathers of women compositors , from their marriage certificates .
10 Joshi and Owen ( 1981 , pp. 106–7 ) studied the labour force participation of successive cohorts of women in Britain from 1950 to 1974 and found that it was motherhood , rather than marriage , which determined the length of women 's lives in paid work with Ms Average withdrawing from the labour market for seven years .
11 Today , with the winning of the vote and civil rights for women , changes which the Catholic church opposed at the time , the secular aspect of this argument of women 's inferiority is muted in Catholic pronouncements .
12 Members of the Constitutive Committee have already , represented the new Federation at a number of international meetings of women , including the Non-Government organizations Conference of Women at Nairobi in July 1985 .
13 Even though there were many writers before Leapor who had made a similar affirmation , not least Katherine Phillips and Mary Astell , it must be recognized that to make such claims was to dispute a widely held belief , based on Aristotelian physiology , that women were by nature soft and therefore inconstant The best known statement of this view of women is Pope 's ‘ Epistle to a Lady ’ .
14 Our evidence suggests section referrals may be used by GPs as an extreme form of social control of women .
15 This is not simply a matter of those aspects of women 's sexual lives that are so often cited in evidence as disqualifying women from running the affairs of nations , or even from running a small business : menstruation and premenstrual tension ; conception , pregnancy and childbirth ; lactation and child-care .
16 Since this is inextricably bound up with women 's position in society as the prime providers of such tending , it becomes difficult to say whether the depressed status of such work is a result of a system of male domination of women or whether such work has been allocated to women as part of that process .
17 Pending the time when we have a balance of men and women in this Chamber — a matter on which I shall expound next Tuesday afternoon , when I hope that many of my colleagues will support the concept of more women in this House — does my right hon. Friend agree that public consciousness of the lack of female representation of women 's views in our national life is now very high ?
18 For a survey of key aspects of women 's experience in the family , at work , in education and in health , in Britain now , see Beechey and Whitelegg ( 1986 ) .
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