Example sentences of "[noun] of [verb] up [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I know you see which side my fence is buttered , and if I can bring to football the organisational skills that have made me such a big fish in retailing , then Athletico Whaddon need have no fear of ending up on the slab .
2 And they were not ‘ luxuries ’ but , in the higher standard of living , had become essentials for anyone with the modest ambition of keeping up with the Jones 's — wireless sets , gramophones , motor bikes , motor cars , vacuum cleaners , geysers , Oxford Bags , artificial silk stockings , tennis racquets and steel-shafted mashie niblicks .
3 Unlike many groups , The Wedding Present largely avoided the dubious pleasure of growing up in the public eye .
4 Thanks to the several hundred Young Guardian readers who wrote their accounts of Growing Up In the Eighties for the Outloud column .
5 Management gurus have done their best , picking over the bones of ‘ world-class ’ firms in the hope of coming up with the Magic Formula .
6 And indeed for the first few weeks there is a manic response of getting up at the usual time and finding things to do , but which gradually subsides into grief and depression .
7 When they immediately reacted with their automatic alarm response of rolling up into a tight ball , the entire family promptly rolled down the slope of the hill and came to rest at the man 's feet , where he picked them up and popped them into his collecting bag .
8 You talk about getting work you talk about getting work and all that sort of thing erm we 've offered John , at one point , that if he did a bit of clearing up in the churchyard erm that he would be given a small amount of money .
9 I feel done a bit of sewing up on the shoulders and then it 's well on the way .
10 The non-assertive character of the first three is quite obvious : the conditional clause leaves the actualization of dare up in the air in ( 31 ) ; ( 32 ) implies " she did n't dare ignore him any more than that " ; ( 33 ) is a sort of indignant rhetorical question implying that he should n't have dared take the native 's part against her .
11 Then I saw him looking in one of the restaurant windows , keeping himself kind of flattened up against the wall . ’
12 You know , the difficulty of getting up to the flats , i you know I I suffered from arthritis , and er you know i it was quite a strenuous business to get from the ground up to our own flat .
13 By the mid-1970s our collective view was that , with a few notable exceptions , Soviet technology was on a distinctly inferior plane to that found in the major Western industrial countries and , moreover , had shown no signs of catching up in the previous 15–20 years .
14 Finally , I propose to call no person more than once to accept that the movers will have the opportunity of winding up at the end and I would please ask you to wait until you have been called .
15 But we 're concentrating this week and next week on the advocacy skill of standing up before a court .
16 Of course , one of the advantages of waking up in the night in a sweat is that you tend to have your best ideas whilst failing to get back to sleep .
17 The mean ( SEM ) periods of follow up in the corrosive and peptic stricture groups were 32.36 ( 17.12 ) months ( range 6–60 months ) and 36.32 ( 17.9 ) ( range 6–60 months ) respectively .
18 It 's pretty smoky — the trains give off this browny smoke and it do n't blow away — it just sort of drifts up to the roof .
19 It sort of humped up in the middle , sucking water with it , shrugging sprays of water from its wavy edges !
20 Yeah , they 're quite soft anyway it just felt as if they were sort of my toes were sort of jammed up against the end but
21 Because it was an old age woman , they ai n't give anyone 's names old age woman was er it was in the paper sort of met up with an intruder in her house like .
22 You know they do n't sort of poke up in the air like shoulders sometimes do .
23 The whole idea of erm a fax is to get the thing there quickly is n't it ? if it 's sort of sitting up on a desk for three days before they bring it down .
24 Well , as long as it does n't make me feel uneasy , I 'm a fairly tidy sort of person , so I do make the bed , and sort of tidy up in the bedroom , and I tidy up in here , when she 's gone to bed .
25 and my comment was that before getting too sort of wound up about the way we get public
26 looking at the water , I think you would have to sort of climb up over the rails to fall in would n't you ?
27 That 'll be , we , we sort of weighed up from the length of what we had to show
28 And then , on the bottom of page sixteen and through on to seventeen is addressing the point that , also within the guideline , we have been asked , we 've been asked as a Committee , to look at the implications of finding up to a further two hundred and fifty thousand pounds ' worth of reductions .
29 The male can maintain a fairly equable distribution of grooming up to a harem size of five females .
30 History is the study of the past using documents and inscriptions as evidence , and historians have recorded and interpreted events from the earliest days of writing up to the present day .
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