Example sentences of "[noun] of [noun] out [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Being organised can take a great deal of worry out of a single life .
2 Oh God do n't wan na do my fucking musical , I 've got ta make a flipping piece of music out from a stupid scale .
3 He stood up and went over to an escritoire and took a piece of paper out of a drawer .
4 Er , fifteen er , schemes that were actually funded by the Department of Health out of a hundred and fifty bids , and the funding available , a hundred and fifty thousand pounds per year , er , up to the period er , ending thirty first of March ninety five .
5 Purchase of Target out of a group of companies
6 Dame Sirith has 397 lines of dialogue out of a total of 450 .
7 To her shock and horror his head swooped down and as his mouth claimed hers so impassionately a flash of hope surged in her heart like a spear of lightning out of a blackened sky .
8 His book starts , for instance , by making a sort of sense out of a nonsense letter of Lear 's of 1862 and proceeds from there , through a rag-bag of examples , towards a theory of the Remainder which now becomes central rather than marginal , or at least just as central as the rules of Langue .
9 What I really could not understand was why the senator did not beat ten kinds of nonsense out of a son who told him to cool it , but telling middle-class Americans to thump their kids is like asking them to burn their flag , so I did not waste my time .
10 He scooped a handful of marble out of a bannister as if it were plasticine , and briefly enjoyed the traces of the many fingers that had brushed over this patch of cold stone down the years .
11 I have known one of these men get a new suit of clothes out of a funeral of one decent mechanic .
12 Attempting to crank the last iota of abandonment out of an intrinsically empty and mechanical experience .
13 The microwave chimed and she hauled a still half-frozen block of chilli out on a big plate ; she started breaking it up with a large wooden spoon .
14 If she left a dictionary in the cupboard , by heaven , she 'd get a good game of Scrabble out of a can of alphabet soup .
15 In 1830 , 70 English boroughs had 100 or less voters ; Old Sarum and Dunwich were uninhabited constituencies ; and in 1793 it was estimated that 400 Members of Parliament out of a total of around 530 were nominated or dependent on noblemen in such a way that they were likely to lack the chance to display any real independence of mind in their parliamentary behaviour .
16 South East England would bear the brunt of the increase with a total of 1.08m out of a job by the end of next year .
17 I said to him we made her a cup of coffee out of a teapot that was bought and she says she was talking about it .
18 He and Compeyson had got a lot of money out of a rich lady some years before , and Arthur kept dreaming of this lady .
19 And you would n't get a lot of heating out of a hundred electrons .
20 Anyone who did n't know them might have taken them for a couple of businessmen out for a Sunday afternoon stroll .
21 Integrating the flux of F out through a sphere centred on the mass gives .
22 With a depth of 121 fathoms ( 726 ft ) at this point it could hardly be a family of trout out for a finny stroll , he remarked .
23 I find it very difficult to dwell on these serious — even gloomy — thoughts when the sun is shining , the winds light and I have been asked to take a party of visitors out for a boat trip .
24 Then place a nearly-full pack of cards out on a table or , if you are performing this for a number of children , on a board with the cards lightly attached to it with scotch tape .
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