Example sentences of "[noun] of [noun] [det] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 A glass of wine/whisky/champagne is said to cure all sorts of ills such as the common cold .
2 Once an associate of criminals such as the Krays and Richardsons , he has a number of convictions for violent crime .
3 Methods of authentication such as the use of trusted third parties can be effective , and highly specialised services such as SEADOCS have advantages in certain transactions .
4 One area of application is in null balancing methods of measurement such as the transformer ratio-arm bridges described in section 7.8 .
5 Analysis of the structure of households can provide indicators of shortage such as the number of families doubling up , and show changing patterns of housing needs .
6 The 2 25 engine usually performs well in the 110 Check that the throttle linkage is giving full movement on both chokes of the carb As it is a progressive twin choke a small loss of movement such as a carpet tucked under the pedal can mean a big power loss
7 Augmented by their co-religionists through the centuries , often in response to waves of persecution such as the expulsion from Spain which occurred 500 years ago this month .
8 If she walks within a few hundred yards of this building , she will see young people , whom the Government have deprived of benefit , sleeping rough and begging on the streets because of the total indifference of people such as the hon. Lady and Conservative Members .
9 For some centuries , natural law theories have provided political and social groups , as well as individuals , with justifications for their actions ( Bloch , 1961 ) but for even longer they have also contributed to an understanding and legitimation of institutions such as the church , the monarchy and the state .
10 The general framework adopted is a " principal-agent " one , the manager being the agent of principals such as the shareholders .
11 Evaluation can range from the study of details such as the use of given teaching methods or media , through the effects of specific courses , whole library instructional programmes , education within an institution , to the extreme of general educational systems .
12 In the second half of this period , under Secretaries of State such as the Duc de Choiseul ( 1758–70 ) and the Comte de Vergennes ( 1774–87 ) it was becoming steadily a more and more effective machine .
13 He expressed his scepticism about the usefulness of techniques such as the envoy .
14 The attractions of gems such as the world-beating paints business , embedded in the rump ICI , will not be lost on predators .
15 The attractions of gems such as the world-beating paints business will not be lost on predators
16 In the light of comments received ( including from CPRW ) ‘ The Working Party has suggested a number of amendments and it is the intention of report these to a Special Development Services Committee Meeting of the Council on 30th June 1992 ’ .
17 The most familiar example of this is when one wishes to break off a piece of metal such as a wire or the opened lid of a tin can .
18 9.5 Effect of waiver Each of the Tenant 's covenants shall remain in full force both at law and in equity notwithstanding that the Landlord shall have waived or released temporarily any such covenant or waived or released temporarily or permanently revocably or irrevocably a similar covenant or similar covenants affecting any other part of the Centre or the Adjoining Property This provision is an attempt to circumvent the rather harsh law of waiver , by which a landlord will lose its right to forfeit the lease where a non-continuing breach has occurred if the landlord does some act to suggest that the landlord is nevertheless satisfied to continue the tenancy , eg by accepting rent from the tenant .
19 " What I want to know is why there 's all this talk of marriage all of a sudden ? "
20 The agreement went a long way towards meeting demands of organizations such as the World Wide Fund for Nature and Greenpeace , which had staged lengthy public campaigns in favour of preserving the Antarctic as the planet 's last great wilderness .
21 It has , however , been argued that certain fundamental Acts of Parliament such as the Act of Union with Scotland 1707 and the European Communities Act 1972 could not be repealed as , in each case , Parliament which enacted the provision is no longer in existence in the same form but has reconstituted itself as a less powerful body .
22 But even in this tranquil part of England many of the ‘ open ’ villages had a variety of local crafts , distributive trades and small industries , whose origins go back well into the eighteenth century .
23 I advise the right hon. Member for Morley and Leeds , South that the advantage of organisations such as the Council of Europe and the Western European Union is that they are composed of Members of their own national Parliaments who have roots inside democracies , and that those parliamentarians have spoken and have said no to the inclusion of defence in the competence of the European Community .
24 The wide-ranging programme includes twenty-five fellowships of $10,000 each for the study of history of art , awarded primarily to scholars who have had limited access to western art historical research libraries and museums .
25 Elected Members of Parliament , councillors and others interested have been dependent , like the general public , on press reports and the monitoring activities of groups such as the Scottish Campaign to Resist the Atomic Menace , Greenpeace and the Northern European Information Group .
26 This is in no small measure due to the out-of-school science activities of organizations such as the Royal Dublin Society and the Aer Lingus Young Scientists Exhibition and many dedicated teachers .
27 For all their liveliness of style any of the above national dances seen in one ballet resemble those in another because choreographers such as Petipa , Bournonville and Saint-Léon utilised the same steps and ports de bras again and again .
28 The existence of sub-sects such as the Zadokites and the Nazareans has generated considerable confusion and uncertainty among biblical scholars .
29 This equation may be solved using Laplace transforms if z(t) is a simple function of time such as a polynomial .
30 There were odd cases of profiteering such as the rental and catering concession held by Mears at Chelsea , but these were the exceptions that proved the rule .
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