Example sentences of "[noun] it could [vb infin] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But if you start talking about taking some of the cash from the fund , you 've got to tell the clients it could affect the cover that they 've got , because it is n't a savings policy .
2 And if more companies apply to their local authority for grant cash it could sway the Government 's decision to award the City Challenge money .
3 League is concerned , is the amount of money coming into the game and the danger that over a few years it could widen the division between the haves and the have-nots .
4 He believed that if the distribution of an artefact type could be attributed to a particular race it could indicate the course of the invasion and settlement of England and the origins of the settlers on the Continent .
5 A tourist video has been withdrawn from sale after fears it could threaten the safety of children .
6 For example , in one case the government sought an interim injunction to restrain a drug company from disobeying a statutory order regulating the price it could charge the NHS for its drugs ; and in a recent series of cases local authorities have sought interim injunctions against traders to restrain them from opening their businesses on Sunday in breach of Sunday trading laws .
7 If applied on an institutional scale it could abolish the deficit of cadaveric transplants and could go a long way towards solving the moral problem that continues to exercise me and my colleagues . ’
8 The programme highlighted the importance of providing an effective ‘ vapour barrier ’ ( usually a skin of plastic sheeting ) behind the internal plasterboard surface — if moisture from inside the home seeped into the cavity it could rot the timber frame .
9 If it can retain its customers ' faith it could achieve the leadership position it covets by 1997 .
10 But top psychiatrist Professor Stuart Fischoff says if Diana underwent treatment it could mean the end of her marriage .
11 from what you 've told us , it would be possible for this aircraft to be so multi mission it could replace the whole of the front line er R A F fast jet strain , could that be true ?
12 If the new sector colleges were able to apply for the use of those premises it could jeopardise the adult ethos and character of the provision and would subsequently deny many adults their first step back into education .
13 He 's already lost the sight of his left eye because cocaine starved the retina of blood , and he 's damn lucky not to be totally blind , or even dead , because the next time it could constrict the arteries of his heart or block the blood from reaching his brain .
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