Example sentences of "[noun] it 's the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Erm , in other words it 's the kind of thing that you would automatically remember in situ .
2 Next Tuesday it 's the turn of drama and literature , and I shall be looking at the place of Britain in Europe with the help of Gabriel Droskapovchy .
3 It , arrange to say that in our homes it 's the responsibility of the County Council , or the Social Services Department , so really you 're working together .
4 From the playground to the common room it 's the word on every youngster 's lips .
5 For the crew it 's the end of three hard days and nights , but at least they can now sit back and leave it to the performers .
6 Next month it 's the turn of Andrew Gold ; his 8-bar solo includes a 2-bar riff which he harmonises with Waddy .
7 Hello , well this week it 's the turn of those listeners who 've sent in their queries by post and we 'll try and help as many of you as we can .
8 One thing that works at this time forget today and yesterday and all the week it 's the number of children that come into this playhouse now we have us we have a thing called work experience where they come from the school 's and the poor little bugger 's have got ta work with me . .
9 When you 've got players of that calibre on the bench it 's the sign of a great team .
10 But you 'll surely want your own copy and for just £5.00 it 's the bargain of the year .
11 If this is the age of the train it 's the season of the leaf .
12 Either way trail rides immerse you totally in the scenery : in Argyll it 's the sight of a lone red grouse , flapping furiously in the face of a flurry of hooves , the moorland landscape dotted with azure blue lochs ; in Wales valleys , waterfalls , reservoirs and forest — that traditional blend which makes Wales , centrally located , an ideal riding location .
13 The project is managed in Bolivia by local officer Juan Vargas , but back home in Oxford it 's the job of the Latin America desk to decide which communities should receive funding .
14 Some of these old ladies it 's the highlight of their week
15 For 70 year old Bob Wackett and his son , Steve it 's the fulfillment of a life-long ambition .
16 And so far as the local issue was concerned , of course it 's the issue of tertiary education and erm this was erm a question of erm the particular Governors and parents who wanted to opt out erm doing what the Iraquis are doing with their aeroplanes and they were basically trying to fly Banbury School to a neutral country ; the idea being that erm as soon as the procedure for opting out started the Local Education Authority would not be able to use any of erm Banbury School 's land or premises in part of its plans for tertiary education in Banbury , so it was really an attempt to neutralize Banbury School .
17 And if we draw a line it 's the analogy of someone pedalling on a bicycle , if you reach thirty five and you 're going up on a bicycle like that it 's reasonably steep but not too steep , you can cope with that on a regular basis .
18 For staff who 've worked alongside Stan Stennett it 's the end of an era
19 Do n't forget if it 's at the end it 's the end of the word the best guess is usually
20 ‘ If I can give a player an extra metre it 's the difference between winning a ball and losing it . ’
21 For some members of the Church of England it 'll be the fulfillment of years of campaigning , for others it 's the end of the road .
22 The other thing I would say is this that the management , whilst they very rarely agree with what Eric has got to say I 've never met a member of management at any level , at any level that does n't respect what he 's got to say and that 's a tremendous , er psychological blow before they even get round the table , because he 's completely disarming and his record in terms as vic er for , of victories , for individual members and groups of mem er , members , er , is legendary and I think apart from his ability it 's the respect in which he 's held by , by everybody , by everybody .
23 For supporters of women 's ordination it 's the culmination of years of campaigning .
24 But what I do say is I am a trustee I am a trustee not of farmer 's land not of your land Mr , not of your land Mr not of your land Mr every person in Leicestershire owns that land , they have got a mark and I 'll tell you sir four thousand five hundred signatures made in one weekend are saying to us you are a trustee of our land , it 's not your land , our land I keep hearing , it 's our land it 's not our land it 's the people of Leicestershire 's land and what the people of Leicestershire land are saying to us sir , they 're saying to us you can not continue this barbaric killing of foxes .
25 This time it 's the lady from down the road , asking you to sign a petition against plans to build on the local playing fields .
26 But at any other time it 's the end of your turn .
27 But for Brother Luke it 's the House of the Lord .
28 Well my green oh and in French it 's the colour of hope , promise ?
29 a new rugby season starts tomorrow … and for Gloucester it 's the start of a new era … they 've lost half of their old side this summer …
30 Ironically , now we 're probably moving into a new era where sunshine is actually seen as something harmful giving things like skin cancer , er certainly in the Australia market it 's the case at the moment .
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