Example sentences of "[noun] to a [adj -er] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Certainly , such peace as prevailed owed an immense amount to Jones 's personal stature in the movement , as one of the old-style union leaders who had , nevertheless , taken an outward-looking and creative role in trying to relate union demands to a wider pattern of economic stability and also , incidentally , the wellbeing of a Labour government .
2 The attack now projected , with the aid of the promised reinforcements , was to be only a prelude to a further offensive on a great scale .
3 Lombroso is best known for his theory , derived from Charles Darwin , that criminals were atavistic throwbacks to an earlier stage of evolution .
4 Quality awareness among operators improved , thanks to a better flow of information .
5 Motoring costs went down by 1.3 per cent , thanks to a further fall in the average cost of second-hand cars and an average drop of 7p a gallon in petrol prices which , together , more than made up for a rise in car insurance premiums .
6 Housing costs fell by 3 per cent , thanks to a further cut in average mortgage rates from 9.4 per cent to 8.5 per cent , and the cost of clothing and footwear eased by 4.6 per cent more in the January sales .
7 In 1988 , thanks to an ever-larger pool of therapy clients-turned-volunteers and an ever-larger pool of contributions , the NAP managed to qualify for matching funds and place its new presidential candidate , Leonora Fulani , on the ballot in all 50 states .
8 Despite my obvious interest in the city , in recent years my search has taken me away from a preoccupation with subjects to a greater preoccupation with aesthetics .
9 Despite my obvious interest in the city , in recent years my search has taken me away from a preoccupation with subjects to a greater preoccupation with aesthetics .
10 He was the last of the brothers ; whether or not he had any part in their deaths he could be the key to a clearer understanding of the two who had died .
11 The second level can be taken as an alternative to a Higher course for some students .
12 Increasingly powerful transmitters , satellite relays , and cable systems have begun to open up the British electorate to a wider variety of broadcast news sources , while business mergers have effectively consolidated control of the press into a very few hands ( Newton , 1988a , p. 314 ; Negrine , 1989 , ch. 4 ) .
13 The development loops correspond very closely to the table of action but here we emphasize the four stages , which partly overlap ; they depend on each other and may also involve a return to an earlier stage in the light of feedback .
14 To accomplish this , you can go from close-up to a wider view in any one of three ways :
15 In other words , prices and incomes policies were devised with the objective of short-circuiting the painful process of adjustment to a lower rate of inflation .
16 To the extent that policies are widely publicized and are regarded as credible by agents , the grafting on of the rational expectations hypothesis simply speeds up the process of adjustment to a lower rate of inflation .
17 The Ellan Vannin Diaries have obligingly altered the time of their deliveries to a later hour in response to one or two complaints of sleep disturbance .
18 CPD is obligatory ( but not ‘ mandatory ’ — a fine distinction ) for members of the Institution of Structural Engineers and although this is self monitored , CPD diaries are examined on transfer to a higher class of membership .
19 These initial shares may then carry a priority right to a further issue of shares to management , should a buy-out proceed .
20 you can see that if we do not increase the membership to a bigger proportion of the Sports Council Grant , we are in trouble .
21 perhaps a final factor has been the differing styles of the individual consultants , so that the firm appeals to a wider spread of clients .
22 Building on the 1988 study by Gatherer and Edwards ( Spotlight No 11 ) on exchange of staff between colleges and schools , this study extended the inquiry to a wider range of teacher secondments : from the Scottish Office Education Department , the Scottish Consultative Council on the Curriculum and the Regions .
23 A research approach which regards placement as incidental to the achievement of specified goals for the child puts a different perspective on the social work task and directs attention to a wider range of dimensions related to the child 's current experience , longer-term development and future life-chances .
24 He pointed ahead through the haze to a darker smudge on the horizon .
25 Wilson , who made a quiet yet effective impact in the 2–0 midweek World Cup defeat of Latvia has been around in the game with spells at Derby County , Ipswich , Chelsea and his present club where he is happy but would consider a move to a higher grade of football if possible .
26 This may herald a move to a broader system of age-related rebates at the next rebate review , due in April 1996 .
27 Moreover , since the use of thrombolytic agents and aspirin in patients with myocardial infarction improves short and long term survival we would expect to have to give any additional treatment for a longer period to a larger number of patients to show a further reduction in mortality .
28 We had to move from Renishaw Road to a smaller house in Thorne Road at the other end of Nottingham , a move dictated by financial considerations , but which in a way pleased Mother as it helped to distance her from her old set of friends .
29 Western press reports attributed the holding of the MPLA-UNITA meeting to an earlier encounter between US Secretary of State James Baker and his Soviet counterpart , Eduard Shevardnadze , who met in Namibia during the independence ceremonies in March [ p. 37297 ] .
30 789 ( when Wihthun was bishop of the South Saxons ) that Offa confirmed their grants to South Saxon churches ( CS 237 , 1334 : S 1184 ; CS 262 : S 1183 ) ( cf. , Offa 's consent to a further grant by Ealdwulf in 791 , CS 261 : S 1178 ) .
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