Example sentences of "[noun] to be [vb pp] by some " in BNC.

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1 He and others fear that ‘ safety net ’ losses to be suffered by some areas will cost them key metropolitan councils in next May 's elections .
2 Mr Ferris submitted that the obligation to give personal treatment was very substantially cut down in cases falling within sub-paragraph ( 2 ) and that a doctor was entitled to make arrangements for the entirety of his practice to be conducted by some other doctor .
3 These are just some of the goods which police believe were bought by Oxford City Council to be sold by some of its employees for private profit .
4 It goes without saying that once the primary structure has failed there must be provision for the failure to be detected by some means before the redundant structure itself is weakened by continuous flight loads .
5 The compulsion to be exercised in the attempt to satisfy the claim of right is not purely or mainly internal to particular societies : it is compulsion to be exercised by some societies against other societies , coercion to be brought to bear upon an international scale .
6 You killed him , during the journey , paid off the cab in Cheapside and left the body to be discovered by some old biddy in Liverpool Street station . ’
7 I think that there is much to be said for statutes to be preceded by some statement of what Parliament is seeking to achieve in rather longer form than is normally provided by the long title , in the form of perhaps a return to the days of the preamble containing recitals — a form adopted in European Community legislation .
8 He thought of a Socialist future for his half country , and conceived the hope of a job in which he might have the luck to be gripped by some stupendous ire of work , trying to avoid the spectacle of the people around him and in the wet street outside , which pointed out a fraternal indifference in the world that was the last perception he cared to harbor .
9 This has led them to postulate the existence of ‘ structures ’ in the animal 's head : in contrast , behaviourists are reluctant to say anything about what is in an animal 's head , other than that the members of a particular species have an innate tendency to be reinforced by some stimuli and not by others .
10 On his own right there was an empty place , no doubt to be filled by some trusted official of the household .
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