Example sentences of "[noun] to [pers pn] [conj] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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31 ‘ Had it been a total shock to you or had you suspected anything ? ’
32 There was a core of hardness to him that prevented him from ever responding to her .
33 As Britain has a special responsibility towards her and her country , can the Minister tell the House what action our ambassador is taking to get access to her and to secure her release ?
34 You may terminate your right to use your Card by giving written notice to us and returning your Card .
35 He opened up more the love of God to me and gave me a livelier apprehension of the Mystery of Redemption and how much I am beholden to Jesus Christ ’ .
36 Unscrupulous model agencies and sponsors claim she is under contract to them and owes them part of her winnings .
37 If this letter is considered acceptable I will forward two copies to you and ask you to return one signed by your Chairman .
38 It ai n't fair , bein' kind to me and gettin' me obligated .
39 What amazes me is how often they 'll say to me ‘ Thank you very much for treating me like a human being ’ because however drunk they are in the churchyard I always believe that you 're much more likely to get somewhere with somebody if you are polite and kind to them and treat them like a real human being , and you can get into all sorts of fascinating conversations with these people even when they are fairly drunk , because actually they are real human beings , they are n't awful people .
40 Altogether , the tour gave the Indians maximum exposure to me and gave me maximum exposure to the ELT situation in India .
41 We also have to provide support for the A N C for thirty years a banned organization having to start from scratch in a country where the majority is supported but having no party officers or structures in place because if we suspend support to them or reduce it it will be like having no support of them all this time and just when the bird is about to fly you clip its wings .
42 Larsen hugged his daughter to him and stroked her hair comfortingly .
43 A DESPERATE couple lovingly clasped their handicapped daughter to them and ended their lives after their pleas for help went unanswered .
44 Once clear of the cloud , she had handed over the controls to him and taught him how to use the power and propeller pitch levers , how to bank the plane sharply , how to descend and climb with power and nose attitude .
45 I would open the door to them and check their names off in the appointment book , often unable to converse because of the language barrier .
46 Bunty 's death — lively , stupefyingly alluring Bunty who had stretched out her bare leg to him and put her fingertips on his lips — annulled by a group of people because a performance must go on ?
47 ‘ Give Christine to me and follow me down . ’
48 She thought she would never care enough about anyone to give birth to them or to kill them .
49 The capacity for motherhood is a capacity for transformation ; by accepting new life within our bodies , allowing it to grow , giving birth to it and rearing it , we ourselves are irrevocably changed .
50 The implication of this for theology is that if it is really theology , it can only take place as God conveys his own Word to us and enables us to hear it ; but the Word itself always remains his and not ours .
51 If you 've given thought to them and excluded them , that 's fine as long as you 've made it clear .
52 ‘ We talk to him , play music to him and touch him . ’
53 There 's a certain look you have when you 're making love to me that shares my anticipation and surprise .
54 A pack leader saw the police in hot pursuit , called six Sturmabteilungen to him and led them into the stadium .
55 The plaintiff then instituted proceedings against the defendants claiming damages for their breach of duty in failing to disclose material information to him and placing themselves in a position where their duties and interests conflicted .
56 She who could call a lame youth to her and support him with her invisible grace while he laid down his crutches on the steps of her altar , why doubt that she could turn the leaves of a Gospel , and guide a faithful finger to the words her will required ?
57 Boniface wrote to Ecgberht , archbishop of York , authorizing him to amend the letter in any way he thought desirable , and to Herefrith , a priest , who was to make known Boniface 's views to Aethelbald by reading the letter to him and explaining it — Herefrith being one to whom Aethelbald was prepared to listen .
58 You lift your hand to me and touch me just once with it and I promise you you wo n't be able to walk for days , because I 'll smash every movable thing in this room over you .
59 However hard I work and struggle for the future there are ever snares to catch me and sometimes I see no end to it and think myself doomed to pass my days in toil and nothing else .
60 Said she wanted to watch television , though she did n't watch — just sat there making sarcastic remarks or calling the children to her and giving them sweets and kisses — it 's disgusting .
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