Example sentences of "[noun] to [noun] [be] also [art] " in BNC.

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1 Some of the new investment is financed by parent companies , as is shown by the growing share of investment in subsidiaries , but the resale of less up to date equipment to subcontractors is also a common practice .
2 China 's rush to capitalism is also a rush towards individual liberty : the chance to choose not just fancy clothes and fast cars but how to live , where to live and who to be ruled by .
3 INSTITUT DU MONDE ARABE , 1987 Nouvel 's greatest triumph to date was also the first of President Mitterrand 's ‘ Grands Projets ’ and subsequently became the first building in a Western country to receive an Aga Khan Award .
4 On the positive side , BP 's announced major oil discovery West of Shetland is certainly encouraging and the transfer of the Department of Trade & Industry oil and gas jobs to Aberdeen is also an important step in establishing a significant critical mass of oil related activity and technology in the North East of Scotland , which will enhance the industry 's potential for international development .
5 The possible movement of a mosaicist from this region to Trier is also a conventional explanation ( if a partial one ) of the eventual fate of the mosaicists who worked on the finest and final pavement , at Woodchester : in the Palastplatz in Trier a panel similar to one of the geometric panels of the ambulatory of the Woodchester Orpheus was found ( Parlasca 1959 , pI .
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