Example sentences of "[noun] have a different [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The male has a different appearance from the female : the male 's belly is red , whereas that of the female is a glossy silver , distended ( if she is ready to lay ) with eggs .
2 Protestant conservatism has a different flavour from Catholic conservatism .
3 Within the area of segmental phonology the most obvious type of difference is where one accent has a different number of phonemes ( and hence of phonemic contrasts ) from another .
4 Each horse has a different kind of character , these range from nervous horses to very confident horses , they are much like humans .
5 Each programme has a different mix of Cross-Functional Knowledge , Behavioural Skills and Strategic Integration .
6 The architect who could now travel to sites on a steam train and use technical terms and modern scaffolding had a different relationship with the client , who was more informed about what he wanted in the way of a new house in the country .
7 Both books have a different style of writing aimed at a different kind of reader .
8 If so , Scotland has a different approach to such matters from that of the rest of the United Kingdom .
9 The necessary condition of audit independence has a different flavour in government .
10 The nine-man Palmer Committee had a different point of departure — the chronic failures of the England team between 1982 and 1984 , and the implied threat to Test match generated revenues if England continued to be humiliated on the international stage .
11 Maybe Tolby had a different problem on his mind .
12 I mean I think maybe some of our shop stewards have a different opinion about er my involvement but that 's what , what I aim to do .
13 No I think your neighbours to the south have a different perception to Craven 's strategic role .
14 Obviously you get to know that a Gibson has a different tone from a Strat , and you 'd also know the kind of sound you wanted .
15 Each of the phases has a different type of coverage :
16 Now his Silverhill Colliery is one of 10 given a High Court reprieve — but Martin has a different reason for smiling .
17 The Danube has a different name in every country through which it flows : in Germany it is the Donau , in Slovakia , Dunaj , when it reaches Budapest it becomes the Duna , at Belgrade it is the Dunav and in Romania it is the Dunarea .
18 Lord Kings Norton had a different view of alternatives to a rigidly conceived binary divide :
19 Moreover , because the textbook had a different purpose from the essay , it is n't clear how the material taken from the textbook is relevant to the essay 's topic of foregrounding in King Lear .
20 DNA messages have a different kind of durability from that of rocks , and a different kind of generatability from that of dewdrops .
21 And since the mandolin has a different tuning to the guitar , it gives you a different chord voicing to everybody else .
22 This means that the application of empirical verification has a different effect in these different types of relations .
23 Having said that , every person has a different rate of ageing .
24 A day by the seaside has a different meaning on the breezy east coast .
25 Each of the dealing firms has a different amount of stock but you can work out who has what by how keenly the prices compare with the best bid , best offer .
26 Although the article was resubmitted during the same editorship , by the time the referee 's report arrived the editor had changed and the new incumbent had a different perception of the needs of the journal .
27 ‘ I can see why managers have a different point of view and say the game should always be stopped . ’
28 For example , Chinese families have a different way of disciplining their children .
29 The common objective behind all three projects is to analyse how changes in the society as a whole have a different impact in different areas , such that the same process may come to have very different consequences according to local-level variations .
30 Computer buffs have a different phrase for it : garbage in , garbage out .
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