Example sentences of "[noun] have always [be] [vb pp] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 As you see , expected rate of fat loss has always been estimated simply by counting the calories consumed in the form of food , any food , and subtracting them from the number the body requires for energy .
2 Until recently , the Aborigines have always been regarded as little more than the exceptional survivors of prehistoric man , a view based primarily on the materialistic aspects of their culture , its ‘ hardware ’ .
3 Dr Chris Tydeman , Senior Conservation Officer UK for WWF , says this means there are no plans for an organisation taking a total view of Great Britain 's needs ( Northern Ireland has always been treated separately and has no NCC ) .
4 His friend Chris would do nothing , of course , to undermine him deliberately but Patten has always been spoken about as a one-day leader .
5 Sailors and swimmers as well as fell-walkers , climbers and haversack-touting hearties have always been drawn here .
6 As the language of the Vedic scriptures , Sanskrit has always been looked down upon by tradition as the language of the divine .
7 So , it is n't as if we 're saying , erm maths has always been taught quite well but we can do it better .
8 Writing has always been fitted in before other demands on her time — two hours in the morning before the children were awake when they were living at home .
9 He has never deified himself ; that role has always been taken on by the press , or more usually , the fans .
10 He had expected to stay at the Dog and Gun , a tavern well known for its radical associations , where unstamped , illegal newspapers had always been laid out openly on the bar-counter for the perusal of anyone so inclined .
11 But when it came to sport New Zealand has always been turned in .
12 Amber has always been used predominantly for jewellery , but in later times it also served to meet a variety of personal needs such as smoking gear , rosaries and worry beads .
13 Because y do n't forget that in the past , building societies have always been taken over by you know , sort of friendly merger .
14 Men have always been hung up on breasts , especially American men , and in those days it was the only part of the body which could be shown .
15 Stoddards Carpets Ltd. were appointed as Royal Warrant holders in 1966 and since then the crest has always been displayed whenever possible .
16 Salaries had never been comparable with others in the record industry ; the smaller , more agreeable , ‘ cottage industry ’ atmosphere of the company had always been held up as compensation for a parsimonious attitude to wages .
17 The requests have always been turned down usually for financial reasons .
18 Matters of general interest have always been reserved here .
19 ‘ Oh yes , his family have always been respected here .
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