Example sentences of "[noun] have become [adv] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is just that going to the cinema has become inexorably linked with the purchase and consumption of such foods .
2 This association has become further emphasized by writers who have muddled the words ‘ matriliny ’ — descent through the female line — and ‘ matriarchy ’ — rule by women .
3 Later , the point was made that the " development of systematic support for managers in schools has become heavily orientated towards the immediate needs generated by education reforms at the expense of that longer term development of heads and senior staff " ( Wallace and Hall 1989:173 ) .
4 Labour changes from being at a stage where it has not yet become a thing in itself and is merely an aspect of social life , to a stage when although still an aspect of social life it involves exploitation , i.e. slavery and serfdom , to a third stage when labour has become mysteriously represented as a thing and is used for a different kind of exploitation .
5 Once a practice has become well established in terms of the relationship within or between different organs of the state , finding recognition in works of authority and by those involved in its operation , then it may be said to have reached the status of a convention .
6 Over the last 150 years , the world of knowledge and understanding created through research has opened up infinite possibilities for higher education , and so research has become undeniably linked to our modern understanding of higher education .
7 The actual time of the start is difficult to arrive at , and is not important , but whatever the historical facts may be , it can be taken as fairly certain that the misuse of religion had become well established at the time of the advent of Jesus Christ .
8 The Association had become well known during the occupations , and its membership increased dramatically .
9 By the winter of 1916–17 the High Command had become seriously worried by rank-and-file disaffection .
10 In the days since her visit to me , her mind had become so used to the idea of walking in the vicinity of birds that it had seemed quite a natural thing to do .
11 A development in more recent years has been the recognition that some ‘ staff ’ management has become highly specialised in areas of work which form a fundamental part of line management , eg. in the fields of industrial relations and capital expenditure .
12 Many communities had become sharply divided as a result of the way the penal laws had been enforced at the local level , and understandably Nonconformists retained a deep distrust of their Anglican neighbours who until recently had been the agents of their destruction .
13 While , therefore , the first generation of English Protestants had found the new Protestant liturgy a pale shadow of earlier Catholic ceremonial , there is every indication that by the end of the sixteenth and beginning of the seventeenth centuries their children and grandchildren had become firmly wedded to the Protestant services of the Prayer Book .
14 The monkeys live largely on leafy shoots and eat fruit when it is available , while the gibbons have become largely specialized for diets of figs .
15 The ancient Dwarf hold of Karak Ungor has become so infested with Night Goblins that it is now known as Red Eye Mountain .
16 For Westerners the sense of shame and embarrassment has become strongly associated with nakedness and the proprieties of dress and attitudes towards nudity ( especially among conventional Protestants ) .
17 What had previously been gossip only within a small circle had become widely known throughout the world , excepting however that substantial part of the British public which did not have international Contacts .
18 Saadi was widely believed to be involved in drug trafficking and corruption , and local public opinion had become increasingly incensed over the alleged involvement of members of the governor 's family in the death in September 1990 of a local teenager .
19 It was an episode which showed that the conviction of the virtuous power of public opinion had become firmly fixed in the antislavery movement and it provided the source of growing unease about the African Institution by the early 1820s .
20 A physicist and former Director of the Atomic Energy Authority 's Harwell laboratories , Marshall had become personally identified at the vanguard of the British nuclear power programme ; in one Monty Pythonesque anti-nuclear cartoon , his balding head replaced the reactor dome of a PWR .
21 In all known insects , however , a secondary segmentation has become established whereby the intersegmental sclerites have become closely associated with the notum in front or with one behind .
22 Since the 1960s Third World governments have become better disposed to TNCs ‘ as they have experienced the benefits derived from foreign investment ’ ( Geyikdagi , 1984 , p.15 ) .
23 The slow down in the rate of growth in the Eurocurrency market-growth that has been just about static since the early 1980's — can perhaps be attributed to the fact that domestic markets have become increasingly deregulated , while the foreign currency activities of domestic banks have become increasingly regulated by domestic central banks .
24 However , specialisation in the organ is no indication of a student 's intention to work in the field of church music , for in recent years the organ has become increasingly recognised as a solo instrument in its own right .
25 Actress , Suda Bhuchar , explains that she likes the positive role she plays and that her character has become more rounded in this , the second series .
26 By the time of the Report such social exploration and documentation had become firmly linked to public policy and administration , especially in terms of a " structure of feeling " which Raymond Williams has identified as " social conscience "
27 By the early eighteenth century , the Jacobite supporters of the deposed king had become closely associated with popery , and the English church and state had assumed the role of a full and active member of the international Protestant alliance , a role which radical Protestants at home had been unsuccessfully urging on them throughout the previous century and a half .
28 She saw how Bothwell 's strings had become hopelessly entangled with those of his royal mistress ; bound in a true lover 's knot , the puppets wrestled .
29 These wo n't be major giveaways , but the puppets have become magically affected by the overall magic of the Castle and their ‘ minds ’ have picked up fragments of what is elsewhere .
30 Mr Wilson added : ‘ The cost of improving water quality has become hopelessly confused with the cost of financing huge profits for the privatised water companies .
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