Example sentences of "[noun] have go back [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Back inside , Rafiq had gone back to the thousand-dollar question .
2 " That 's O.K. , " said Marion , but by then Sue had gone back into the shop .
3 The actor who played Dirty Den in Eastenders has gone back to the prison where he was once an inmate .
4 Fenella had gone back to the bed-chamber and pulled on her boots and found the warm woollen cloak she had brought from Renascia while Caspar had raided the sculleries and packed the maps .
5 Having escorted Felicity Suvarov around St Mark 's cathedral , Julia had gone back to the Danieli hotel and shared some lunch with her .
6 Thank you very much I think er councillor said that in er Tory erm motions goes against er Conservative er national policy but what it does identify is a very worrying sub text to the Tory policies of the moment because w means testing for hou for housing welfare has gone back to the worst aspects of the nineteen thirties politics basically .
7 Glowing with hope , Hank had gone back to the garage and pruned and polished .
8 The Government has gone back to the Appeal COurt tonight in a second attempt to stop Central Television screening the first filmed interview with mass murderer Dennis Nilsen .
9 The jackets had to go back to the sweatshop , making for an unnecessary and annoying delay .
10 But Steve had gone back to the match , his face rigid with anticipation .
11 When the men had gone back to the Inn Allen dropped out of the tree and ran down the slope to her .
12 The men had gone back to the bunk shelf and their feet swung , threatening and powerful , beside his face .
13 ‘ The verderers have gone back to the Ridgery . ’
14 ‘ Why , Rohan has gone back to the Haut-Médoc .
15 He had thought Lehmann had died intestate that his vast fortune had gone back to the Seven .
16 I note that the Opposition 's tax plans have gone back to the drawing board ; after five years of careful preparation , they have been ditched in a period of five weeks .
17 the reader has to go back to the previous stretch of discourse to establish what This refers to .
18 The Socialist League and the Scottish Socialist Party had gone back to the Labour Party and many members of the Independent Socialist Party were to do so before long .
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