Example sentences of "[noun] have be [verb] some [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The extent of Michael 's ‘ multi-media ’ experience has been to take some Polaroid shots of drawings of his dog .
2 The boat had been bought some time earlier but had been abandoned due to decay and damage .
3 An astonishing repair of sorts had been effected some time in the last century : a young fruit tree was nailed vertically to the back of the panel and held in place with iron bands .
4 Mr Stuart-Moore said the notebook containing the master plan had been written some time before and some details had been altered .
5 It was perhaps as well John Hounsell had been given some forewarning .
6 The 28-year-old actor has been taking some time off to get his life back in order after filming three movies due out this year .
7 Erm mine 's good but Martin 's been having some back trouble .
8 This counter-argument has been given some recognition by the courts , in that the ‘ reasonable relationship rule ’ is no longer a rule of law .
9 It is possible to think that this plebeian has been lent some part of Naipaul 's aristocratic fastidiousness , some part of his hostility , while also suffering the consequences of an exposure to these qualities , and to recall that both Ahmed and the author of An Area of Darkness are preoccupied with the hanks of human shit that litter certain landscapes .
10 The tree has been removed some time since .
11 Lord Wittisham and Miss Fenwick had been to collect some food — the quails I believe — and were passing in a donkey cart as Sir Thomas arrived .
12 Glass had been earning some money by transcribing Ravi Shankar 's score for the film , Chappacqua .
13 Although he was chary of broaching the subject of a full-time shepherd , when he did so , he found that his father had been giving some thought to the matter .
14 In the hot weather the works has been having some trouble in staying in reasonable control of its effluent .
15 He felt sure the man had been paid some sort of allowance for putting him up , but it did n't look as if any of it was going to be spent on food .
16 The project has been drawn some criticism , however , from those who argue that it does not take sufficient account of the interests of local tribal people .
17 But no news is good news , and Mr Clarke has been drawing some comfort from the fact that he has n't heard from his own local family doctor .
18 But Hygeberht had been demoted some time before .
19 This is reasonable , as one would expect deaf people in the USA to have been using some sign language before the imported use of FSL .
20 As she stopped a few feet away from them she saw that his cap had been knocked some distance from where he lay and the force of the blow , which had thrown him through the air , had dislodged his fountain pen from his pocket .
21 Special considerations : the appellant had been diagnosed some time previously as HIV positive and more recently AIDS had developed .
22 Already Dublin has been showing some concern , since they will be submitted as British government rather than Anglo-Irish proposals .
23 A lot of erm group one plans are , there are about ten thousand plans that are showing an arrears status at the moment , and premium has been missed some time ago , it 's not a , not a current premium , which means on the fifteenth of June or the first of July we will automatically go in and pick up two premiums , we 'll t we 'll try and collect the arrears without having notified the client of it in any way at all .
24 The local government system of the time had been given some shape by the Municipal Corporations Act of 1835 , but it was not until the end of the century that it acquired a structure that would enable it to take on the range of functions it has today .
25 Whilst librarians have been saved some paperwork , statistics of use for individual theses will now be impossible to obtain from BLDSC , and the present type of research methodology will no longer be practicable .
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