Example sentences of "[noun] have [vb pp] to [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 There 's a huge amount of detail and the technique has got to be perfect otherwise the painting should be an absolute mess .
2 There 's a huge amount of detail and the technique has got to be perfect otherwise the painting should be an absolute mess .
3 The McGhee decision has proved to be controversial as the plaintiff never established that the defendant was a cause of his damage .
4 In good British fashion , however , that change has tended to be piecemeal rather than comprehensive .
5 Moreover each kind has continued to be important ; it is not a simple question of successive stages .
6 The intonation on your guitar has got to be perfect , because you 're fretting strings behind the glass and that has to be just right .
7 X times two hours has got to be equal
8 The content of the NBC programmes has ceased to be lifeless with the newly acquired freedom to debate facts and events without fear of reprisals .
9 The content of the NBC programmes has ceased to be lifeless with the newly acquired freedom to debate facts and events without fear of reprisals .
10 Allen ( 1983 ) argued that provided treatment is directed at the underlying cause , most leg ulcers will heal spontaneously , which experience has proved to be true .
11 The Association has continued to be active since 1946 , monitoring the progress of new towns and seeking to further the principles and practice of good planning .
12 The reorganisation of DTI away from sectors has proved to be successful .
13 The link with Labour has got to be more than just signing a cheque .
14 After leaving the Navy , it took a little time to become used to a normal bed again , as the hammock had proved to be such an ideal sleeping arrangement .
15 Hector had refused to be present .
16 Uncle Mosse had wanted to be dead there , and since he could n't achieve it for himself , his clothes had done it for him .
17 Angy had professed to be delighted to hear from her , had invited her to her flat but refused point-blank to hand over the ring .
18 Frankie had learned to be wary of that place .
19 The WRAC recruits have proved to be excellent shots and many of the scores achieved would be the envy of their male counterparts .
20 Furthermore the structures of the lexical entries have tended to be proprietary to the system making it impossible to exchange lexicons between systems .
21 Until now period performances have tended to be abrasive and to whizz through the slow movements , making even the sublime Largo of the Double Concerto into a trivial siciliana .
22 And Richard 's decided to be right-handed after all this time .
23 However , so far the attitude has tended to be sympathetic — it is not , after all , in the creditors ' interests to exclude a member and thereby reduce earning potential .
24 Second , and this will be commented upon , some rhythms begin to show ultradian periods ( that is , ones with a cycle length of 1–4 hours ) rather than a complete absence of rhythmicity after removal of the SCN. ( 3 ) Neural connections between the SCN and most other regions of the brain have been cut and yet the SCN has continued to be rhythmic .
25 But now that the question has ceased to be one of recognition , the theoretical possibility of rebuttal must exist .
26 The underlying philosophy has tried to be selective in aiming at farmers with intermediate and non-viable enterprises .
27 Yet most people would agree that the fax machine has got to be one of life 's easier contraptions to master .
28 The Union of the Crowns did not mean that England and Scotland had ceased to be separate countries .
29 But in spite of the immense authority which he now possessed , his poetry had ceased to be fashionable or " chic " in the way that The Waste Land or even Ash-Wednesday had originally been : the new , or at least young , poets were no longer particularly interested in what he had to show them .
30 The deputy editor had tried to be helpful .
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