Example sentences of "[noun] have [adv] got [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I ca n't remember when I have n't had to work on Christmas Day became the animals have never got round to recognizing it as a holiday ; but with the passage of the years the vague resentment I used to feel has been replaced by philosophical acceptance .
2 There are plenty of ‘ success stories ’ where governments have not intervened , or where it has not even been acknowledged that farmers and pastoralists have quietly got on with the business of conservation for themselves , and frequently provided sustainable surpluses for the market as well .
3 Eddie had just got back from work when they had a row in the kitchen .
4 Over the last seven months , Lawrence has quietly got on with a rebuilding job at Ayresome Park .
5 Salieri had never got on with Leopold II , and in 1790 he had been released from most of his court obligations , remaining as a kind of honorary kapellmeister .
6 Bragg and Morton had barely got back to their office when a young constable Poked his head round the door .
7 Football clashes between the age-old rivals have ground to a halt partly because outpourings of nationalism have sometimes got out of hand .
8 She and Mandy had finally got in from last night 's fiasco around four in the morning .
9 He said the buy-out had been a possibility for some time , but the two sides had only got down to serious discussions in the past few months .
10 To her surprise , the gunfire did n't seem to be directed at them , and she wondered if the rebels and soldiers had finally got around to fighting each other directly .
11 my dad 's just got back from apparently Millie 's quite brown and my mum they 're not
12 But er , me and me mum 's never got on like our Margaret and me mum have .
13 Dr Kumar said John Major 's attacks on the Liberal Democrats had clearly got through to middle-income earners terrified by the thought of a Labour Government .
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