Example sentences of "[noun] have [adv] [vb pp] for [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Both have wide experience of the middle market business , Ian Neill having also worked for Berni and Pizza Express before taking over Mecca 's restaurant division , which was acquired by Rank and then recently sold to Michael Guthrie in a £20m deal .
2 They also no doubt discussed the album of songs by Sir Noel that Ken had just recorded for HMV .
3 Hewlett-Packard , Sord , RCA and Dot have all plumped for Sony , which is generally reckoned to be ahead in the standard stakes .
4 Buckley has also played for Doncaster , Leeds and Scunthorpe .
5 The day comes in the life of every single man living alone when he must give a dinner party , however unpretentious , and that day had now arrived for Rupert Stonebird .
6 City of Edinburgh are the only unbeaten team in the division having already accounted for Livingston , who , in turn , exacted their revenge in the cup semi-final .
7 Hewlett-Packard has now opted for November 10th as the date for its next series of workstation and technology launches .
8 Elections to the Constituent Assembly , which the Provisional Government had eventually scheduled for November , went ahead .
9 Both Keown and Parker have since returned for Everton and Manchester United respectively , so they are also likely to be drafted in .
10 Murray wants to opt out of the deal but two deadlines have already passed for Kiam to raise the money and now a third , and perhaps final , one has fallen due this month , the end of the football season .
11 Firstly he overlooked the fact that the European parliament had consistently voted for Brussels as a meeting place .
12 Very few transvestites have actually played for Scotland .
13 SIR — Following the death of Michael Lees , who remained a stalwart supporter of the royalist cause in Yugoslavia ( obituary , March 26 ) , the time has surely come for Britain to make an official admission of Churchill 's grievous error in switching our support from the royalist leader Mihailovich to Tito in 1943 .
14 The Osaka-based businessman has never paid for Daum and Galle glassware , nearly 75% of the total of a sale which Tajan held at the Hotel Okura on 20 November 1990 .
15 The time had now come for Eric to go up into the Apennines on behalf of the Commission to pay and honour all those Italians , for the most part peasants , who had helped and in many cases saved the lives of escaping prisoners-of-war .
16 During national elections in December 1989 the " New County Alliance " faction had openly campaigned for Taiwan 's " independence " from the mainland [ see p. 37123 ] .
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