Example sentences of "[noun] have [to-vb] [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Each time she does so , the male has to dig down to the buried vegetation and cover it over again .
2 If that money has to come out of the existing budget , then we should , or the Chief Constable , or the Police Committee ought to look at the priorities again .
3 If they are to be more than mere training , then a process of informed reflection has to go on at the same time .
4 WHAT do you do when the date and time of your official opening has been set , the invitations sent out and your guest of honour has to drop out at the last minute due to matters of national importance ?
5 Now what was required then was that although the job was in a rush , the management had to telephone down to the Admiralty in Bath to get the appropriate sanction you know , to , to accept the cylinder with the er bigger gauge bore .
6 Enid Nightshade , the new girl who arrived last term and was now their friend , came zooming over the treetops and screeched to a halt so forcefully that her cat and suitcase shot off the back , and Maud and Mildred had to leap out of the way to avoid being run over .
7 The premium is either with the product or the purchaser has to send off for the premium .
8 Will the criminal have to climb down from the roof ( in which case he ca n't take a lot with him ) , or can he go downstairs and let himself out of the house ?
9 On erm food and noise , we 're still very , very busy indeed , and our figure for noise inspection is higher than it ever has been before , and the comment that was made under that section will show you that some of that most certainly is the amount of work that the team had to carry out during the summer , one of the benefits of our glorious summer is that most of us slept with our windows fully open for three months or more and one of the dis-benefits was that if anybody else down the road had a party that went beyond normal bed-time , everybody shared that , and our team was very busy in consequence .
10 Governments had to live up to the mythical images of themselves which were part of their acceptability .
11 Crocker had to fly back to the USA the following day , so there was limited time to convert John Allison with the airshow being held the following day .
12 The rear window of one of the shops looked out over poor Mary 's deposited remains and Martin had to go in through the narrow entrance to flash his lamp on it .
13 To lose height pilots have to spiral down to the runway .
14 But there it was , The Cottage , its porch right over the pavement to the gutter , red reflectors for night traffic on its corners , pedestrians having to detour on to the road before regaining the pavement again .
15 Then , once I am at home , I usually think the whole of it was splendid , and hate having to settle down to the monotonous , lonely life of a writer .
16 Once Richards had to dive out of the way as Tribe , twisting and stretching in his straps lurched across the formation .
17 These cottage front doors were never used — some even had rows of flowerpots across the sill as a deterrent — and Anna had to go round to the back to find a resting place for the magazine .
18 Ideology apart , managers have to get on with the job of managing , maintaining society as a going concern , and upholding organisational goals with the cooperation of other members .
19 ‘ Unless there is something really untoward I do n't see Ian having to pull out of the squad . ’
20 Has a lot to prove this term , after a poor season Has to move on from the promising youngster stage .
21 Danny has to go down on the floor , put his hands on hips and go , evening all !
22 and on Friday , on that Friday Mother used to go to Eastwood Hall to collect the er er the wages that my Father had to pay out to the men .
23 B Once Fokine had demonstrated that mimed dance and danced mime were the best materials to use in ballets where individual characters had to stand out from the rest of the cast , and particularly when true love did not run smoothly , other choreographers. followed suit .
24 Mark Cameron ( 1987 ) felt that the knot symbolized possession by a man , a token of the collective sacred marriage which all young people had to go through as the culmination of their initiation sequence .
25 Because the coffin had to come out of the stayed in the house the b the
26 Why , I asked , did he find it acceptable for an artist to have to put up with the paltry sums of money he offered when he himself lived in such style ?
27 The jackets had to go back to the sweatshop , making for an unnecessary and annoying delay .
28 The vehicle was parked on a yellow line and so close to the Market Street junction that vehicles emerging from that road had to swing out onto the wrong side of the High Street .
29 The constituent legislation of other tribunals contains provisions allowing access to the High Court , whereas some tribunals have to fall back on the appeals contained in s.13 of the Tribunals and Inquiries Act 1971 .
30 Subsequently the council 's own officers told the inquiry that a pedestrian had been killed on Hollyhurst Road because he could n't find a safe place to cross , that ambulances struggle to get down Hollyhurst Road in emergencies , that residents cars are blocked in their drives and that buses have to drop off in the middle of the road .
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