Example sentences of "[noun] have [adv] be [vb pp] off " in BNC.

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1 Although an official response has already been sent off , Newsline readers may wish to pen their own reply and let us see if they can be as imaginative as the original writer .
2 That 's right it 's been smothered under a kind of blanket , and that blanket has now been taken off .
3 Despite the advent of widespread home computer technology , a certain old pastime has n't been killed off .
4 The prospect of a restart has now been put off to the end of the year .
5 Remember also , the pitfalls for children of ‘ tickly ’ yarns ( I hate that jumper , it tickles ) , of necks being too tight ( I 'll never wear that thing again ) when ears have almost been severed off at bedtime !
6 A statement said there was a spontaneous abortion and the life support machine had now been turned off .
7 Since p1 and qi have already been paired off in the appropriate manner ( i.e. they are equal ! ) we find that unc is not a nasty integer after all .
8 However , the Jordanian government considered that a further US$40,000,000 owed to Saudi Arabia since the mid-1980s had previously been written off by the Saudi ruler King Fahd ibn Abdul Aziz .
9 She realized then that the coffin lid had simply been lifted off , letting in light from a long strip-light that hung from a plain rock ceiling .
10 What is confusing about locality is the romance attached to the concept which implies that remote governments have somehow been thrust off by street corner society .
11 The incident room was in darkness , except for a couple of desks whose reading lights had not been switched off , a glowing computer screen and the flashing red lights of some electrical equipment .
12 True also that property questions had already been separated off from the main business , to be handled by the British Rail Property Board ( also on a regional basis , but with somewhat different geographical areas from those used by the operating regions ) .
13 In the case of an eighth-century Pre-Khmer bronze figure of a Bodhisattva , estimated at £40,000-£60,000 , the body had been tested and proved ancient but it was clear that the head had once been broken off and re-attached .
14 ‘ If Harry had n't been rushed off to the hospital with chest pains today , ’ he continued , ‘ then I 'd still be at a loss as to know what my only daughter gets up to when my back is turned . ’
15 While one can sympathise with a player whose season has virtually been written off , his decision to take legal action over what is surely an occupational hazard opens the door for other players to consider following suit .
16 It was sad , nevertheless , that six months of planning had not been shown off to better effect .
17 Perhaps the edges have indeed been knocked off with time and retelling , but the essential humour remains .
18 But staff at the Grand Theatre , Leeds , where the ballet was premiered , say people have not been put off .
19 The hunt has since been called off .
20 When she had taken the trouble to go to school , lessons had often been called off because someone had vandalized some necessary piece of equipment .
21 He had pointed that out to Farag but Farag had not been put off .
22 When Wickham asked why Pascoe had not been paid off Shildon adopted his sarcastic tone .
23 The tap has not been turned off .
24 Hodge has never been sent off in his career .
25 The last revellers had finally been seen off at nine in the morning ; they and Margot had done some cleaning up before going to bed , though Ken had anyway had a couple of hours ' sleep between three and five , when he 'd fallen into a deep slumber on the wicker couch in the conservatory .
26 But the press had already been tipped off : Mrs Simpson 's car had been booked on to the Channel steamer in her own name .
27 The taunts and torments from the terraces that made Adams ’ life a misery have now been shaken off once and for all .
28 Several smaller creditors have already been paid off , but the latest demand is huge .
29 Slough 's home match with Clifton has also being called off following Sue Chandler 's call to the colours .
30 In one corner of the rectangular office a television set had not been switched off and the title sequence of a forgotten film from the seventies flickered silently on the screen .
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