Example sentences of "[noun] have [adv] [vb pp] from [art] " in BNC.

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1 Professor Jack Spence of Leicester university has just returned from a fact-finding tour of South Africa .
2 Money was allocated , but due to delays in passage of the Bill through Parliament , as has so often been the case before , no money has actually flowed from the coffers in Rome .
3 A delegation of lawyers from the British Romanian Law Association has just returned from a successful trip to Romania , having given seminars in two Romanian cities and met with representatives of the Romanian Bar Association .
4 Charles Walker has recently returned from a world trip , during which he has been taking photographs in preparation for his next book .
5 Charles Walker has recently returned from a world trip , during which he has been taking photographs in preparation for his next book .
6 Agriculture has fewer and fewer workers to give up to industry or the tertiary sector , and short-term migrant or daily labour has steadily declined from a peak in the 1960s .
7 In the Netherlands , industry has already benefited from the presence of AEA Technology ( Netherlands ) BV , launched in November 1992 ; safety and reliability is the main focus of the new subsidiary .
8 A reply has eventually arrived from the National Dairy Council .
9 The North-East has traditionally suffered from a stereotype image depicting the region as backward in its approach to equal opportunities .
10 For his own paddling Andy has just changed from the AeroQuatic to the Dagger Crossfire and can now do brilliant 360s without paddles .
11 Bernice had obviously fallen from the ledge above her .
12 Seb started , as though his mind had suddenly returned from a very long distance .
13 In point of fact , in terms of Catholic tradition , the challenges here might be less awkward than those of phase 2 ( and to some extent John Paul II was able to recognize this ) , but the crucial ecclesiastical issue once more ( as in phase 1 ) had become the acceptability of diversity , and the curial mind had never escaped from the conviction that unity requires uniformity .
14 There was a true feeling of achievement attached to our little ‘ I skied down a mountain' certificate , and a bit of weight had definitely dropped from the thighs on to the slopes .
15 The process of industrialization and the accelerated growth of the division of labour had already wrested from the family , including its rural variant , its monopolistic role in the processes of production .
16 The light had almost gone from the day now and the forest was becoming bathed in soft , subtle hues of the Purple Hour , Dark blue and turquoise light slanted in through the trees , turning the Wolfwood to a place of dark secret shadows and heavy ancient magic .
17 New 8088 based computers have virtually disappeared from the scene , and now 80286 based PCs seem to be going the same way .
18 Erm , it does seem to be something of a contradiction in terms there , and in fact Mr Lock is n't here today because his clients have subsequently withdrawn from the er E I P but er it would have been interesting to have asked him the question .
19 The Scots have already benefited from the SRU 's decision to send a doctor and physiotherapist — Harry Burnett and Colin Elliot — on this trip .
20 They believe sales of their books have actually gained from the existence of the electronic counterparts .
21 He stated that the raft boys at Holme Pierrepont have habitually come from the local borstal .
22 Never mind that this idea destroys the fundamental premise of J. M. Barrie 's story , which ends with a vision of Wendy 's descendants continuing to visit the Neverland with an eternally youthful Peter ‘ so long as children are gay and innocent and heartless ’ ; nor yet that Captain James Hook has somehow escaped from the jaws of the ticking crocodile to dream of a return engagement with the leader of the Lost Boys .
23 Never mind that this idea destroys the fundamental premise of J. M. Barrie 's story , which ends with a vision of Wendy 's descendants continuing to visit the Neverland with an eternally youthful Peter ‘ so long as children are gay and innocent and heartless ’ ; nor yet that Captain James Hook has somehow escaped from the jaws of the ticking crocodile to dream of a return engagement with the leader of the Lost Boys .
24 The envelope of project work has now emerged from the planning described in Chapter 2 .
25 The envelope of project work has now emerged from the planning described in Chapter 2 .
26 The substantive work has consequently shifted from the party headquarters , where all decisions used to be made , to the conference hall and the corridors .
27 ‘ Ballroom dancing has certainly gained from the new film .
28 Substantial cash help has also come from the National Heritage Memorial Fund ( £40,000 ) , the Countryside Commission for Scotland ( £40,000 ) , the Christopher Brasher Trust ( £30,000 ) and many others .
29 Peter Dimond , a Director of the Tangmere Military Aviation Museum has recently returned from a trip to the USSR and reports he has seen five Hurricanes and at least one P-40 .
30 The hovercraft has always suffered from the fact that it is neither fish nor fowl .
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