Example sentences of "[noun] have [verb] in to the " in BNC.

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1 This beggar had come in to the fitting shop , corner at the back corner , where he should n't have been .
2 Resident outside the airfield 's motel for nearly 30 years , it was beginning to look very much the worse for wear and , as other Ouragons have given in to the ravages of time , attract the nearest of museums .
3 Twenty-five years after the war ended a man had gone in to the shop and been told that his treasure was studded with spinels instead of rubies .
4 More than 50 orphaned or injured otters from all over Britain have come in to the trust 's rehabilitation centre in south-west Scotland .
5 The returning submarine had nosed in to the depot ship 's side , and willing hands on the well-deck rails pulled on her stem lines , easing her closer , making her fast .
6 At the end of it , just before Myeloski had given in to the rough flight conditions , Duncan had come to realize how sharp the policeman was , how through his individual approach he had put together clues that most others would have missed .
7 Douglas Avery had gone in to the bank as usual , after collecting Irene 's clothes , so Juliet knew he would n't be visiting during the afternoon .
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