Example sentences of "[noun] be used to [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 True , he had frequently circumnavigated Ramsey Island but if the tides are used to best advantage then the Bitches will not be working as they are passed .
2 Jonadab was used to implicit obedience .
3 For example , much of the Unix community is used to flexible networking under the openness of the TCP/IP umbrella .
4 This sense of accident is used to good effect by certain artists , for example Chris Meigh-Andrews , whose Fountain ( 1990 ) , shown at the Harris , makes use of the wiring and playback decks as elements of the sculpture itself , punning on the flow of current , images and imaged water .
5 Clarac was used to social nicety .
6 Although the last thing we want is a return to rigid central control , the NHS does need some coordination to ensure that scarce resources are used to best advantage and not wasted by the unsupervised duplication of facilities .
7 Diagrams presenting data and clear summaries are used to good effect .
8 Ground launched missiles were used to great affect by the Allies during the gulf war .
9 Are the periods of overlap being used to good effect ?
10 Can the table and standard lamps be used to better advantage by moving them to different positions ?
11 As the idle beings they were in a group , the malais were used to last-minute arrangements and alterations , spontaneous changes and improvisation ; so it was n't as big a deal as if he 'd been , say , an Israeli or a German officer .
12 Johnson was used to red cards , but this particular coupon was to signal a different kind of brush with authority , a sign that the player had been selected for a random dope test .
13 Whilst the benefits and opportunities presented by distributing tasks and applications across high-performance , inexpensive Unix processors are being realised across the industry , commercial users are used to well-proven systems management utilities such as Digital Equipment Corp 's Enterprise Management Architecture and proprietary solutions from the likes of IBM Corp .
14 Omanis are used to foreign attention .
15 Frequent fliers in the islands are used to unusual problems holding up their flights .
16 It was widely believed that the courts were used to further disputes which were not necessarily related to the ostensible complaint .
17 It 's all right for a man ; men are used to smutty books and vulgar jokes — women do n't go for things like that . ’
18 Cutter numbers are used to further subdivide subjects .
19 Pool 's used to sensory deprivation , ’ he said .
20 Continual assessment and updating of instructors would ensure that the limited time available for training was used to best effect .
21 Sir Matthew said that Glasgow-based Hewden Stuart was used to difficult times .
22 Once the ‘ ordinary ’ needs of daily life have been successfully provided , mentally disordered people living in the community need regular skilled review of their mental state to ensure that medical , nursing and psychological expertise is used to best effect to minimize the impact of the disorder .
23 And he wants to see a careful scrutiny to make sure that the existing money is used to greatest effect .
24 Ray Packwood 's pet bull mastiff Bess is used to strange animals coming home with her master so Caspar the Kinkajou was made to feel very welcome .
25 Geoffrey Clifton-Brown 's used to all-night sittings , but in the chamber of the House of Commons , not the streets of SW1 .
26 Note here whether any general types of grammatical construction are used to special effect ; eg comparative or superlative constructions ; coordinative or listing constructions ; parenthetical constructions ; appended or interpolated structures such as occur in casual speech .
27 Herbal Ribbon Gel was used to slick hair and add gloss without making it stiff and sticky .
28 The nomes were used to large bodies of water .
29 Evidently , people in this street were used to strange cars being parked and nobody had thought it worth while to ring the police , despite the fact that the doors bristled with Neighbourhood Watch signs .
30 Silver food colouring is used to great effect here , but it is advisable not to eat too much , even though a non-toxic brand is used , as the taste is not very pleasant .
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