Example sentences of "[noun] be an [adj] [noun] from " in BNC.

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1 He was swift to deny that the Afrikaners were an official delegation from the Broederbond ( Brotherhood ) , an influential secret society with close links to South Africa 's ruling National Party .
2 Indeed , this result is an irresistible inference from the acceptance of the tort of intimidation : if it is a tort by A against C to threaten a wrong to B if B continues to deal with C it is hard to see why it should not be equally tortious to inflict harm on C by committing that wrong rather than merely threatening it .
3 Portugal was an apostolic fief from 1179 and soon after his accession Innocent wrote to Sancho I about the payment of the papal dues .
4 Ptah was an important god from the First Dynasty , when Memphis became the administrative capital of Egypt .
5 I actually do think what we 've got down in the third session is an enormous help from the point of view of our future review .
6 Part of the so called ‘ Tri City ’ , the popular name for the complex of three main cities on Gdansk Bay , which also includes Gdansk and Sopot , Gdynia is an ideal base from which to explore this very attractive part of Poland .
7 The platform we have built over those years is an excellent base from which to become a Total Quality Culture .
8 When Coffin got back to his own flat , all he found there in the way of post was an enigmatic postcard from his sister Laetitia : she had sent him a view of Edinburgh from the air , with a message scribbled on the back : I am going to the law .
9 Sitting in the Cabinet room at Downing Street , with the Prime Minister taking me into his confidence was an exhilarating experience from first to last .
10 There was no need to ask : Bowyer 's body was an open wound from head to toe , his face disfigured by a mass of bruises , and the slackness of his head showed his neck had been broken .
11 The origin of the name is an enigmatic quotation from James Joyce : " Three quarks for Muster Mark ! "
12 And the £10.99 Terminator video is an all-time classic from Vision Video Ltd , starring Arnold Schwarzenegger in the title role .
13 It looks as if the concept of the isolated gene as a unit of selection is an idealized abstraction from reality .
14 One was her grandmother 's Bible with a tasselled , leather book mark in it , the other was an American thriller from the library .
15 Two were women : one lived as a recluse at St Julian 's church in Norwich and is known as Julian of Norwich ; the other was an ebullient housewife from King 's Lynn — Margery Kempe .
16 From Table 6.1 , it can be seen that interest payments on bonds and loans are an allowable deduction from earnings before tax but that dividends on both preferred shares and ordinary shares are not .
17 His father is an important visitor from the United States of America , " Tran Van Hieu told them in French .
18 Stone-henge is an obvious example from this country , the remarkable road-network and buildings of the Inca empire , which possessed neither writing nor the wheel , one from elsewhere .
19 The cat stance is an ideal stance from which to execute a front snap kick .
20 Next door is an enterprising butcher from Yarm who has cleared all the carcases out of his freezer-van and loaded up with cans of drink .
21 Another more important criticism of Marx 's and Engels 's technological sequences comes from the fact that they give the impression that progression through these technological stages was an inevitable progression from lower to higher .
22 The RSPB reserve on the south shore at Vane Farm is an excellent centre from which to see the birds .
23 The Nuffield modern languages survey has not yet reported and the only available account is an interim report from 1985 .
24 ENID BAGNOLD 's The Chalk Garden is an exotic bloom from the 1950s which miraculously retains its freshness more than 35 years after its premiere .
25 It was later revealed the shot was an accidental discharge from inside the house .
26 HIGHLIGHT of the Merseyside Closed Junior Squash tournament at New Brighton was an outstanding performance from Laura Hamilton ( Victoria Club , Southport ) .
27 Subsidiarity is an old doctrine from German Catholic social philosophy and has far more to do with this than with constitutional theory .
28 Goal congruence : employee and organization share the same goals ( e.g. a football team , a religious society ) ; the reward is an emotional wellbeing from believing in or being committed to a superordinate goal .
29 However 4th spot is an execllent position from which to build on and start ‘ clicking ’ ( especially Deano ) .
30 A highly significant addition during this time was an underwater ridge from the eastern Pacific ; after accretion it pulled apart to form the San Andreas Fault now a few miles inland from the coast .
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