Example sentences of "[noun] be see to [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless , increased delegation will depend on government carving out more areas of activity for which authorities are seen to be responsible , and central intervention is improper .
2 But certain images are seen to be universal , such as that of the holy mother and child .
3 These linear relationships are plotted in Fig. 1 where both the consumption and saving relationships are seen to be straight lines .
4 If the centre parties were seen to be self-interested in blocking the formation of a government through their insistence on a deal to introduce electoral reform then this could reflect badly on them in the election so cutting back their seats — and the prospect for proportional representation .
5 Some historians argue that modern ecology only became possible in the post-Darwinian age in which all natural relationships were seen to be fragile .
6 The chosen design of an individual gear is seen to be successful only if it not only meshes with the next gear in the train but also contributes to the selection of the desired gearbox ratios .
7 When the distribution of revenue is seen to be equitable , one would expect to see this intransigence diminish and with it doubts about the commitment of the UK to the EC .
8 The firm has been at pains to correct this recently , however , and points to a ban of all flags in the workplace ( Union Jacks were seen to be intimidatory ) and its monitoring of the composition of the workforce .
9 A joint scholarship funded by the artist 's widow Pilar and by Sotheby 's worth Pta10 million will be awarded to artists and students whose work is seen to be close to that of Miró .
10 Even when drastic revision is seen to be necessary and accepted , the point in time at which to conduct this extensive review can be difficult to select .
11 If the expert is seen to be incompetent ( eg. if an accountant does not seem to provide sensible information ) or if his area of expertise is not widely acknowledged ( which is often the case with personnel department staff ) he will have little or no expert power .
12 Because the Council is seen to be independent of government and political parties , it is a trusted source of objective comment on how policy can affect business conditions in Scotland .
13 Thus , unionised groups of workers are seen to be leap-frogging one over the other in the struggle to keep real wages rising .
14 This can be done only if the whole body is seen to be involved in some way or other .
15 The move was seen to be due to the normalization of church-state relations following the establishment of the Solidarity-led government .
16 So notions and functions are generally seen as replacing linguistic structures as units of content , and a notional/functional ( and therefore communicative ) orientation is seen to be incompatible with a concern for grammatical structure and meanings intrinsic in form .
17 The move to clamp down on specialist valuations is another step in the campaign by the Chartered Accountants Joint Ethics Committee to ensure that auditors are seen to be independent .
18 How can God be seen to be good when one considers what history has been , and what it has meant for women that God has been conceived in primarily male terms ?
19 In consequence no particular facet of the policy is seen to be peculiar to any one Division ; what is so for the profession generally is also true for the building surveyor ; we are all in the same boat .
20 The various parts of society are seen to be interrelated and taken together they form a complete system .
21 Traditional views of family life are seen to be unsupported by research findings , but research can assist the identification and development of policies and good practice which can help children at risk and in need to become good parents in their turn .
22 Clearly a more concerted approach is seen to be necessary in order to secure property from potential consigners .
23 The difference caused by the placement of the tone-unit boundary is seen to be equivalent to giving two different paraphrases of the sentences , as in : a ) A profit was made by those who sold quickly .
24 The latter was only possible if the state was seen to be separate from direct control by capital .
25 Nevertheless , the crowding together of the poor in slums was seen to be dangerous — debilitating to health and facilitating possibly seditious communication of the kind which had led to the riots in Trafalgar Square in 1886 .
26 In so far as the assistance of the Americans was seen to be desirable or even imperative against Nazi Germany , he feared that they would exact a heavy price at the expense of Britain 's trade and her links with the Empire .
27 Does he agree that if the distribution of Government grant were seen to be fair , local residents would not only be able to assess the performance of local authorities but would begin to see that our new council tax is a far better deal than the uncosted return to the rates — or , even worse , the uncosted local income tax — proposed by the Opposition parties ?
28 Children are seen to be innocent of life 's problems and should somehow not have to face all the difficulties of death .
29 Various grown men were seen to be weeping and Columbia Records have since been inundated with complaining telephone calls .
30 Most important of all , family allowances were seen to be relevant to the government 's economic policy .
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