Example sentences of "[noun] be as [pron] [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 Provence is as he painted it , we use his images as icons by which to recognise certain things , the cypresses above all , the olives , some configurations of rock and vegetation , the line of the Alpilles , the plain of the Crau , the light itself .
2 The hallway was as she remembered it .
3 Well , the point was as I recollect it , er that my understanding as far as the County Council 's case was concerned , was that er the village was not inset for E Ten purposes , it was inset to recognize what the County perceived as the physical reality of this being a substantial built-up area which fulfilled no greenbelt functions .
4 Mr and Mrs are as I understand it entirely satisfied with that school .
5 If things were as they seemed it would n't matter .
6 The three and a half inch is as I said it 's approximately
7 Erm , I do n't know how , what we can do , I , I would suggest that we er , the Council writes to the President of the Board of Trade , making representations in support of the original boundaries of the bid , and , and also writes to our M Ps , whose constituencies are involved in this bid area , asking them to support these representations , er , er , and do the best we can to make sure that the , the five B area is as we submitted it .
8 The door under the stairs was as he recalled it , low and cut on a slant to fit in under the balustrade .
9 Life is as I thought it was ; shall we now celebrate this disappointment ?
10 Delusion is possible for everyone : feeling certain does not mean that therefore the world is as we think it is .
11 As I say the thing , the thing is as I say it 's you you your mor
12 erm well it does n't necessary apply that the agent is suing the name , the question is whether , what any right the agent has got , er the fact of the matter is as I understand it and tell me if I 'm wrong , that your client has erm received a demand under clause nine er , er which he has failed to comply , I think that must follow because er if he had complied with it , then that would never of got as far as the central fund
13 However there there is there is I think some re there are relevant sections in in the county council document N Y eleven , which follows on which is the the county 's as I understand it rebuttal to the H B F's assumptions on erm the environmental constraints and how they should apply across the county .
14 His touch was as she remembered it , warm and gentle , but as he gently returned her foot to the ground she again felt shy — absurdly and ridiculously shy , when she could never remember being so taken by shyness before — and she just had to look away from him while she collected herself .
15 what you , your case is as I understand it , I 've only intervened cos I think the question did n't dis perhaps a lack of understanding this by Lord allow me to say so , what you 're saying is that erm , in fact , although not intentionally you 're prepared to accept the format of the brochure in relation to the on going charges was such as could reasonably be said by your newspaper to have mislead prospective purchasers
16 If he agrees that the position is as we think it should be , why does he not say that he agrees with the proposals in the Green Paper , which we intend to put into legislation ?
17 Can you tell me what the current position is as you understand it
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