Example sentences of "[noun] be [v-ing] [conj] [pron] had " in BNC.

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1 He took his glasses off and put them on the table , and his eyes were dancing as she had n't seen them dance since the night he had revealed the identity of Miguelito .
2 It was inevitable yesterday , as Gordon Brown gave his performance , that Labour 's backbenchers were wondering whether they had picked the right man .
3 They noticed that background radiation in the laboratory appeared to rise by up to 50 per cent while the experiment was running but they had no means of knowing whether or not this had anything to do with the experiment as the natural background radiation from cosmic rays can vary substantially during long time periods .
4 Lucy was weeping as she had been that afternoon .
5 She had asked Stephen a couple of weeks ago if Edward was coming and he had replied : ‘ Over my dead body . ’
6 The House of Lords held , in effect , that since the applicant was arguing that he had a contractual right under his lease to remain at the lower rent , he was asserting private law rights and so could raise the defence in the possession proceedings in the County Court and did not have to raise it by means of an AJR .
7 and the sun was shining and everyone had got pla plastic bags , anything they could get to slide on you know
8 She turned away , leaving Peggy standing stiff and cold , although the sun was shining and it had been in the seventies all day .
9 But at that time Langer and Graham were bogeying and they had to birdie the last in the finish to force a playoff .
10 His body was fading and he had need of his own son beside him .
11 Once again the movies were proving that they had their own version of what was real .
12 The men had been dead for at least a week and speculation is mounting that they had suffocated after locking themselves in the container .
13 Well I know the night Lindsey was smoking and she had or something but smelt the smoke on her breath and he got the belt and he gave her a belt and I lay in bed Kay and I cried
14 The only thing that happened was that Dad came into the kitchen where Oliver was crying because someone had broken the jar in which he kept his stick insects and said , ‘ What 's the matter , old chap ?
15 People were realizing that they had a choice .
16 My aunt was explaining that she had come up to visit me .
17 I ca n't do it , she thought frantically , and then the bell was ringing and she had no choice but to open the door .
18 Christine was standing where he had left her .
19 The palms of his hands were sweating and he had yawned twice since he left the car .
20 The doctor is saying that he had to continue treatment as a matter of legal obligation .
21 Except , she realised with a sudden sense of shock , the ship was moving and she had n't even noticed until now .
22 Right up to yesterday evening , Mr Major was insisting that he had enjoyed the campaign .
23 No , Claire was going but she had , did n't have time on the way back
24 He seemed more brusque and hostile than on the previous day , a man whose nerves were beginning to fray , a man on whom the pressure was mounting and who had decided to exert some pressure of his own .
25 By the time I got into position , my lungs were bursting and I had to go up for air again .
26 And inside her an unbearable excitement was building as they had moved towards that luminous moment when the two of them would finally be one .
27 By the week 's end the proctologist was saying that it had been the best goddamned vacation he had ever taken , and as we passed the bunkering moorings near McIllvanney 's yard I saw him take Ellen aside and I guessed he was offering her a job .
28 Advisedly or otherwise , the Regent Douglas was doing as he had part-proposed .
29 His thick hair was greying but he had not given up on red baseball shoes , sleeveless T-shirts or what he called his ‘ cosmopolitan Lancashire accent , half scouse , half Lancashire ’ .
30 On 30 June Brent London Borough Council 's solicitors were put on notice that M. was complaining that he had not been served personally by them with a copy of the formal order and arranged that he be so served on 3 July .
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