Example sentences of "[noun] be [vb pp] to [be] one " in BNC.

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1 In fact , barn owls are reckoned to be one of the hardest breeds to hand-rear and train , and they are n't recommended for beginners — though I did n't know that then , What I did know was that I 'd probably lost the battle with this owl before I 'd started : I suspected he would be impossible to train , but I was so hooked on the idea of having my own bird that I could hardly drag myself away when I was looking at him .
2 I mean and I think it is the lack of the regulate the er the regulatory control of city actions , I mean one of the points that we 've been recently been advised on is that one of the city institutions which has already been er fined , er from its London office on a technicality is in effect the New York and London offices are deemed to be one entity and I think that er what we 've been advised is that erm I forget the phrase , I wrote it down here somewhere , that what we would be advised to do is to take action against that particular city institution in New York , because that er it is deemed that the London and New York actions are in fact one and that the that er what in fact the er and I think the f yes , there it is , that , that in a way though what we 've been advised is that the basis of that action would be that the organisations London and New York operations are essentially the same operation and bound by a strict know your customer rule as mandated by U S Securities Law , you know .
3 The Cirencester club is reckoned to be one of the best ski-ing venues in all of Europe … every day this week Richard Mainwaring will be running … racing over the water … the secret of success is fun
4 The crashed aircraft is believed to be one of three on attachment to RAF Lossiemouth in the north-east of Scotland … carrying out what is being described as tactical training .
5 The true pace of recovery in alcoholism is reckoned to be one month for every year of use .
6 In Jones v Livox Quarries , the plaintiff 's position on the traxcavator was held to be one of the causes of his damage , although the most obvious risk to the plaintiff was that he would fall off .
7 The boy 's thought to be one of a hard core of 8 children , all under 15 , who are responsible for twelve per cent of all reported crimes in the Swindon area .
8 The Bill will be a special one in that the political parties are allowing their members in both Houses a free vote because the issue is deemed to be one of conscience .
9 Thus some courts have reasoned on the hypothesis that if an issue is deemed to be one of law then this must inevitably involve substitution of judgment on their part .
10 Anthony Gould was said to be one of the most unpopular men in the prison because of a crusade against drug abuse .
11 In Los Angeles , another place where non-Hispanic whites are a dwindling minority , a 62-year-old white businessman is in a run-off for the mayor 's office against the young Asian-American who has for years been thought to be one of California 's most personable Democrats .
12 The difference is said to be one of place , the place of the sensation in the body qua sensitive .
13 The western diamondback rattlesnake is considered to be one of the most deadly snakes in the USA .
14 The examples listed earlier suggest that it covers a vast variety of relations ; for example the relation between capitalists and workers is said to be one of oppression , while that between factions of the ruling class might be competition .
15 They have been exempted from certain reporting requirements by my Department under the companies legislation , and my right hon. Friend the Chancellor of the Exchequer put a lot of measures in last year 's Budget to improve the position of small businesses , because tax is revealed to be one of their most noticeable problems when they reply to our consultations .
16 A sunshine-filled adaption of Peter Mayle 's A Year In Provence with John Thaw and Lindsay Duncan is expected to be one of the viewing highlights on BBC1 in the grey months ahead .
17 The Post was thought to be one of the more vulnerable titles .
18 Being a soft teacher was seen to be one of the worst categories of offence .
19 The informal ceiling placed on share option deals by institutional investors is said to be one reason .
20 COMEDY is set to be one of the strong suits of Meridian which takes over the TVS area and its 5.2 million viewers .
21 Will he turn his eyes to the country as a whole and to the north — to the West Riding and my own constituency , where the health service is thought to be one of the best in Europe ?
22 The race is set to be one of the star attractions in the second of the trial Sunday meetings on November 15 .
23 At this time Singapore was reported to be one of Myanma 's main suppliers of arms and ammunition .
24 Wittgenstein , Ludwig ( 1890–1981 ) One of the most brilliant of twentieth century philosophers , Wittgenstein was destined to be one of the most quoted and misquoted by theologians .
25 The continuing high level of inflation was reported to be one of the principal causes of public dissatisfaction with the party , which had been founded by Özal as a broad alliance in 1983 .
26 Inability to select the right people is considered to be one of the major weaknesses of British management , a weakness with a hidden cost of many millions of pounds a year .
27 Moreover , an educated workforce is argued to be one of the important prerequisites for economic expansion and advance .
28 THE new man at the helm of Darlington Building Society is believed to be one of the youngest chief executives ever appointed to such as post in this country .
29 Microcirculatory disturbances of the stomach are thought to be one of the factors contributing to the development of gastric mucosal damages .
30 Three types of abnormal results were recognised and all abnormal results were judged to be one of these types : rapid emptying , slow emptying , or biphasic emptying ( early rapid emptying followed by normal or slow emptying ) .
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