Example sentences of "[noun] be [vb pp] [pron] [vb past] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 One fella were told they did his erm summat to his engine and it blew up did n't it ?
2 When the partnership was dissolved he moved his office to Great George Street , Westminster , where it remained for the rest of his life .
3 As the cell was unlocked she held her breath .
4 She pointed to the couch , and when Millie was seated she lowered herself down beside her and , taking her hands , said , ‘ You 're frightened of that man are n't you ? ’
5 As though his feet were programmed he found himself at the Incident Room .
6 When broadcasters were promoted they found themselves in administrative posts : talented people were rewarded with jobs which meant that they broadcast no longer .
7 When the vehicle was finished we painted it up .
8 Once the work was hung I wanted it to occupy the space comfortably without dwarfing the area or appearing lost .
9 Hereafter the penicillins were studied in countless laboratories , academic and commercial , and discoveries were made which enabled them to be better understood and used as the foundation for many new drugs .
10 Initially they served the many gasworks but as generating stations were built they served them too .
11 When Carrie was told she said she was not surprised .
12 When the wheels were finished they taped them to the four corners of t ] he bed and Mum spread the red blanket over the covers .
13 Perhaps he had someone other than John Barnes in mind as he paraded outside the ground , but the prophecy held true enough as Liverpool 's Chosen One produced his own version of the Second Coming .
14 The garden had to be shared with the bottom flat , so a dividing wall was built which gave them total privacy .
15 When Tony 's father was interviewed he said he felt angry with Tony for having taken the tablets , especially as his girl friend , Pat , had been with him when he found Tony unconscious .
16 ‘ I read that when Tom Watson was asked what made him such a successful player , he replied : ‘ Desire , dedication , determination and a little bit of talent . ’
17 Washington was seen as insufficiently appreciative of British efforts , nor was its main ally always properly consulted before major foreign-policy decisions were taken which affected its interests .
18 The 12-year-old 's mother was going to take them both home with her ; after Camellia was born she changed her mind .
19 The share system of land ownership did not meet the approval of the British , and legislation was passed which made it possible for any shareholder to force the division of a tract .
20 In chapter 8 , rules were formulated which dictated which way to run the proportions when dealing with the hypothesized effect of one variable upon another : proportions were calculated so that they summed to 1 within the categories of the explanatory variable .
21 Lord Rawdon felt no one should be arrested for owing less than £20 , as it was when George I came to the throne ; that a creditor should pay the debtor he had put in prison 4s 8d a week ; and the warden of The Fleet and the marshal of the King 's Bench Prison ( who made around £3,000 a year out of fees ) should be compensated if the rules were abolished which allowed them their fees .
22 As freedmen and freedwomen rose to previously unimaginable positions of political power and wealth , some portraits were made which likened their subjects to deities .
23 Mr Caterall said that when the men were arrested they claimed they were hunting for foxes .
24 When this book was donated I borrowed it ti read , and it was not until I came home from the final clearing-up , and found my ‘ man of the house ’ serenely reading it , that I remembered about it .
25 All the interviewees were asked what moved them to experiment with heroin in the first instance The largest group ( 33 per cent ) first tried heroin out of curiosity which , in most of the cases , had been aroused by the previous use of other drugs .
26 ‘ As I finished selecting these 200-odd titles which reflect the continuing excellence of writing for children , a document was leaked which made it clear that the authorities which are controlling the education of the next generation had , at a stroke , obliterated the ‘ golden age ’ of children 's literature — at least as far as reading in schools is concerned .
27 It was the collective madness which gripped the Scots after the French defender Eric Dimeco was dismissed which proved their downfall .
28 When the gum was melted she opened it and slid out a single sheet of unheaded paper on which a short message was written in Italian .
29 R ( part time pupil who comes in at lunch time ) seemed quite placid , so was easier to control ; alas when dinner was presented he announced it was ‘ finished ’ without tasting it .
30 The Hussites held out successfully until , in 1436 , an agreement was reached which allowed them to consolidate their achievements .
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